Year 6
Summer Term 2024
Summer Term 2024
Geography January 2024
Spring Term Curriculum Letter
Food Technology December 2023
Stevenage Museum Workshop November 2023
We learnt lots of new information about World War 2 whilst exploring items in suitcases, filling out identity cards and ration books and even using a stirrup pump to put out a fire!
Another new experience for many of us was to catch the local bus to get to and from the museum.
"I learnt that the air raid warden wore more than 1 type of hat." - Ben
"The map of Broadwater has changed so much in the last 80 years." Elijah and Ben
"Stevenage had a motorbike factory. They made motorbikes called Vincent." Kingsley, Kian and Shay
"Babies had gas sacks rather than gas masks." Amelia and Kyrillos
"The gas masks that people wore in the war had certain chemicals inside them, which we know today can be dangerous." Anje
"The gas mask smelt like smoke and it was horrible." Roylean
"I dressed up as a nurse." Melody
PSHE October 2023
HISTORY/ART September 2023
Mirodo Homework Wk 3
Children this week have no Mirodo homelearning due to a teacher error!
Mrs Cropley
September Curriculum Meetings
Thank you to all the Y6 parents who have attended the curriculum meetings this week in the Year 6 classroom. I hope you found it informative and you now know where your child spends a lot of their school day! Please find the slide show as well as the curriculum letter attached.
HISTORY September 2023
Year 6 Representatives
I hope you all have had a great first week back? As the eldest children in the school, you now have added responsibilities this year. Well done to all the children who have secured themselves a job this term.
I look forward to seeing you around the school completing your jobs. A very well done to the children who are house and vice house captains for their respective house teams. Blue Buzzards, Green Kestrels, Purple Sparrow Hawks and Red Kites have super captains and vice captains in charge. We also have 2 members of Y6 representing us at the school council and at the eco council meetings.
Remember parents if you need to contact me:
If it is an emergency then please contact the office - 01438 235454