Year 3
Week 2 - Spellings
Week 1 - Spellings
Welcome back!
Welcome back and welcome to the summer term! I hope you had a restful Easter and are ready for lots of learning. Our topic this half-term is Raging Rivers. Please see our curriculum letter below.
Week 6
This week, we have been using inverted commas to show direct speech. Watch this video to find out where the inverted commas go. Ask us to show you the action for inverted commas.
In Science, we looked at how different fossils are made. See if we can tell you how amber fossils are created. There were four steps.
This week's spellings are below.
Week 5
This week, we have been learning more about Ancient Egypt. We learned that Egypt is in Africa. To remind us of the seven continents, we have started learning this song by Hopscotch.
In Science, we have been learning about how fossils are made. Ask us to tell you which rocks fossils can be found in.
This week's spellings are below.
Week 4
This week in Science, we investigated which soil was more permeable - sandy soil or garden soil. Ask us to show you the action we thought of to represent the word 'permeable'.
In English, we have started a new topic and are looking at warning stories. Our focus text is Little Red Riding Hood. See if we can tell you what the warning in the story is.
This week's spellings are below.
Please remember to read at least three times each week, practise times tables on TTRockstars and complete the spelling sheet sent home. These are checked on Fridays.
Week 3
It has been another busy week in Year 3!
In Maths this week, we have been looking at number lines. Our key word was ‘intervals’. We thought of an action to represent it. See if we can show you what intervals are.
In Science, we started learning about soil. We will look more at different types of soil next week. Watch this video to find out more about soil.
In History, we have been using historical vocabulary when describing time. See if we can tell you how long a decade, a century and a millennia are.
I have forgotten to send home the spelling sheets so I will send these out on Monday - sorry! The links to the revision spellings and Year 3 spellings are below. Any child in a phonics group will have their spellings already given to them by their phonics teacher.
Year 3 Curriculum Information
Week 2
This week, we were learning about grid references in Geography. We watched this video to find out how it works.
In History, we learned about Howard Carter's famous discovery of Tutankhamun. Follow this link to find the video we watched.
In English, we learned that conjunctions are words that join ideas. See if we can show you our action for junctions. Challenge - Ask us to name three different conjunctions.
All children now have TTRockstars logins stuck in their reading records.
Please see below for the links to the spelling homework.
Week 2 - Year 3 Spellings
Week 2 - Revision Spellings
Week 1
Hello and welcome back to school – and to Year 3!
Important Information
- We will be doing PE on Mondays, so please come into school wearing your kit on these days.
- We will be changing our library books on Fridays, so please make sure your child has their books to return.
- Homework will be given out on Fridays. For this week, children will just be completing spellings. Please find links to the sheets below.
This week in Maths, we have started looking at place value. See if your child can partition these numbers: 26, 68 and 90.
In English, we have started to learn about word classes. Challenge your child to name some nouns! Remember, nouns are the words used to identify people, places, animals and things.
In Science, we learned about the three different types of rocks. Can your child show you the actions we devised to help us remember them?