
Shephalbury ParkPrimary School

Imagine, Believe, Achieve

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Shephalbury Blog 2023-2024

Friday 19th July 2024


Shephalbury Park has officially broken up for the summer holidays!


Our Year 6 learners have left for the final time today and we wish them good luck as they journey on to their chosen secondary school. They will always be a Shephalbury Learner and we hope they are as successful at secondary school as they were here. For all our other learners we will see them back in September ready to continue to be the best that they can be.


The team here at Shephalbury are aware that the school summer holidays are often seen as being all about beaches, children’s laughter, splashing in the sea or the pool and barbeques. The holidays are perceived as an idyllic scene of love, laughter and relaxation and nothing but an amazing time. However, this is not true for many families here in Stevenage and the UK.  School holidays can create extra pressure for already busy families. It can be a time for many parents and children to be out of a regular routine. The school holidays can create an extra financial burden with parents and carers having to find extra childcare and extra food costs and trips out. We do not have the answers or a magic wand to make sure that the 6 weeks runs smoothly but we do know that parents and carers in this school look out for one another. So, over the summer do spend time checking in on one another, find a little time for yourself and we will see all our families both new and old, back here on Wednesday 4th September.


Headteacher’s Awards

Mrs Dean and Mrs Cropley only had one child visit them this week and that was Charlie in Year 3. Charlie was able to talk about his maths and demonstrated his learning by being able to tell the time using both an analogue and a digital clock. We are very proud of you Charlie!


Bucket Fillers
This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious cakes in an ice cream cone from Mrs Spiller. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN:  Aryan

YR: Louie

Y1:  Molly

Y2:  Albert

Y3: Elijah

Y4: Violet

Y5: Morire

Y6: Damon



Shephalbury LEARNER

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Morgan- Reflect

YR: Charlotte- Think

Y1: Isla K- Stretch

Y2: Alfie- Think

Y3: Emily- Grow

Y4: Baran- Stretch

Y5: Charlie- Solve

Y6: Roylean- Reflect



House Points
The house captains have completed their last job of the year, counting this week’s house points. The final scores are as follows:

Blue Buzzards – 1385

Red Kites – 1554

Purple Sparrowhawks – 1558

Green Kestrels - 1866


Congratulations to all the children and adults in Kestrels. It will be the newly elected school council’s job in September to decide on your reward.


Wishing everyone a happy holiday.

The Shephalbury Park Team

Friday 12th July 2024


We have come to the penultimate week of the school year and what a week! The Year 6 learners both entertained and enthralled the school as they performed their dress rehearsal of, ‘Jill and Fred’s Historical, Hysterical Adventure’. The school were a fabulous audience and gave the Year 6 advice for their following day’s evening performance to their families. The advice was taken on board and the evening performance the following day was one to remember!

Transition morning was a success for all learners. All children got to spend time with their new teacher and teaching assistant in their new classrooms. The morning was filled with lots of new learning, lots of smiles and lots of chatter about next year. The children were also visited by Mrs Finch as she spent the day here in school.


Our Year 2 have finished our cycle of Class assemblies by presenting to parents and carers today. The children showcased their learning with enthusiasm and in so many ways. Well Done Year 2 and thank you to Mrs Lewis and Mrs Oustayiannis for facilitating this. Both the adults and children thoroughly enjoyed watching and learning.



Headteacher’s Awards.

With two weeks before the end of the school year, there are still lots of children working hard and aiming high both in and outside of the school day.


Roco in Reception came at the end of last week to share how he is beginning to use his phonic knowledge to help him write. As part of drawing club, he drew a magnificent dinosaur and then used his phonics to write underneath.

Phoebe in Year 2 has been working hard outside of the school day. She took part in a charity Mud Run last weekend. Despite the rain, the wind, the cold and the mud, she completed the course and raised an amazing £300 for her chosen charity! We are very proud of you and your determination and kindness towards others.

Roma in Year 5 has been working hard outside of school too as she is taking her passion for writing and wrote a time lapse story. Mrs Dean and Mrs Cropley were lucky enough to read her typed manuscript, Roma was keen to say that the story still is not finished as she still needs to edit and amend but was happy for them to read the first draft. Both adults were gripped and had vivid images created in their minds due to Roma’s word choices.

Finally, Kane in Reception came to share his extra work that he completed outside of school at the weekend. He shared with Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean a short video of him presenting his learning to parent and carers and shared a song that he had learnt. Whilst in Reception earlier on in the week, Kane had also shared with Mrs Cropley how to say and write numbers to 20 in Chinese!

Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed an ice pop. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN:  Aaira

YR: Kane

Y1:  Alfie

Y2:  William

Y3: Charlie E

Y4: Lillyanna

Y5: Oscar

Y6: Year 6


Shephalbury LEARNER


As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Inaaya- Think

YR: Nicholas- Risk

Y1: Leo- Stretch

Y2: Tommy- Create

Y3: Daniel- Create

Y4: Daniel- Grow

Y5: Mia- Think

Y6: Seth- Create



House Points

Here are this week’s house points.


Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



This is how the overall totals look now.


Final Week

As it is the final week, there are no clubs running other than Porridge Pot and Tea Pot.


Monday 15th July

Lost Property will be placed on the playground at the end of the school day. Any items of clothing or equipment not claimed will then be allocated to our spare clothing cupboard or will be sent off to be recycled.


Tuesday 16th July

Following on from your child’s school report, if there is something that you wish to clarify then teachers will be available from 3:30pm – 5:00pm. Prior contact and agreed time needs to have been made before the day.


Wednesday 17th July

FOSP will be on the playground at the end of the school day to sell items from their ‘Tuck Shop’ that have short dates on and therefore will not be able to be sold in our September School Fair.


Friday 19th July

Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly at 9:00am and school finishes for Summer at 1:30pm


Monday 2nd September


Tuesday 3rd September


Wednesday 4th September

Autumn term starts for the children


Have a lovely weekend and for those that will be watching on Sunday, enjoy the football.

The Shephalbury Team

Friday 5th July 2024


Despite the lack of sunshine this week and the postponement of the summer fair, learning continues here at Shephalbury Park, both in the classroom and other areas of the community.


We know learning doesn’t all take place in the classroom and the children continue to access learning from external providers as well as visits.  The Y5 children have come to the end of their work with the mini police programme, the EYFS children have been out to 360 Play in Stevenage and the Y6 have visited Barnwell to be an audience for their summer production, Matilda.


EYFS 360 Play

Nursery and Reception were very lucky to be offered a free visit to 360 Play in Stevenage Leisure Park. The children had lots of fun (and the adults too). We climbed, drove cars, made pizzas and even treated poorly animals. The children were so well behaved, they listened to one another, played nicely alongside younger children and were polite throughout the trip. A member of the public commented on how lovely all the children were and what a credit they were to the school. A big thank you to 360 Play for the opportunity to visit and have lots of fun. We must also say a big thank you to all the volunteers who made the trip possible.


Year 5 Mini Police

Over the past 8 weeks, the children in Year 5 have been taking part in a community scheme called the Mini Police. A local PCSO has been working with the children on several different areas, including anti-bullying, age restrictions and road safety. We have also been lucky to have had a visit from Stevenage Police, with one of their vehicles, who explained different aspects of the vehicle and how they use them. In one of their final sessions, the children were able to try on a range of police uniform, of which you will see some pictures below.

Year 6 Barnwell

Year 6 visited Barnwell on Wednesday afternoon to act as an audience for the dress rehearsal of Barnwell’s School summer production – Matilda. The performance was so professional and it was so lovely to see so many ex-pupils taking their first steps onto the big stage.


Year 6 Maths Challenge

This week, 4 members of the Year 6 class took part in the Hertfordshire maths challenge. ‘This friendly, online, inter-school competition gives teams of Year 6 children the opportunity to apply their mathematics knowledge and teamwork skills to solve problems and answer challenging questions, putting their reasoning skills to the test.’ Any school from Hertfordshire could take part. The hour-long heats will comprise of a set of 4 equally-weighted rounds. These rounds will include:

  • questions with multiple parts
  • problems in context
  • visual estimation


Our children did a brilliant job, although they missed out on a place in the final by a few marks. They should be proud of the score they achieved, as we are. Well done to Ben, Kyrillos, Riley and Viktor!


Headteacher’s Awards.

Once again, Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean have had the pleasure of children visiting them for achievements that go above and beyond. 

Henry F impressed Miss Maggs with his work on safe and unsafe behaviours during his PSHE lessons. He added some super illustrations to his work to demonstrate his understanding.


Miss Maggs continued to be impressed as Finley and Henry G were both awarded a Headteacher’s Award for their English. Both boys read a piece of work aloud and when asked why they have achieved such an award both were able to articulate that their work contained the correct use of capital letters, full stops, inverted commas and fronted adverbials – Well done boys!


Ralph in Y2 provided Mrs Cropley with a very detailed computing lesson where he was able to explain how to use the programme Scratch to begin to code. He not only provided a super explanation he modelled how to insert a new slide, avatar, movement and speech bubble – impressive!


Freddie in Y4 was awarded his Headteacher Award for his resilience. He found a new concept in maths a little tricky so he chose to practice it again in his own time and the following day was able to achieve 3-star challenge. What a fantastic Shephalbury Learner – never give up!


The last visit of the week was Skylar who brought her English down to show and read. The presentation and care of her work was very impressive, but her story writing was astounding. Skylar was able to use appropriate punctuation and vocabulary to engage the reader.


Next Thursday is transition day where all the children will spend time in their new classroom with their new teacher. Drop off is a little different on this day, as the teachers will be out on the playground/field. Please take your child to their new teacher. The new class lists will be emailed early next week.


Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious chocolate nests provided by Mrs Bond. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN:  Elena

YR: Evan

Y1: Naayel

Y2:  Ralph

Y3: Daniel

Y4: Alfie T

Y5: William

Y6: Bella

Shephalbury LEARNER

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Lola- Create

YR: Hudson- Grow

Y1: Albie- Grow

Y2: Sonny- Solve

Y3: Elijah- Stretch

Y4: Emily- Create

Y5: Lilly- Risk

Y6: Jamila- Create



Phil’s Question of the Week: How can you keep yourself feeling OK when it is very hot?  Explain...

Alfie (Y1) "Eat an ice-lolly and drinking a cold drink to keep you hydrated."

Harvey (Y3) "Go in the shade and drink lots of water."

Emilia (Y5) "Drink a lot and make sure you have sunscreen.  Also maybe go swimming to cool down.  Have a sunhat and sunglasses too."


House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



This is how the overall totals look now.



Dates for your diary

Tuesday 9th July


Y6 Production to the school

Wednesday 10th July


Stay and Play for children who will be new to Nursery this September

Wednesday 10th July


Y6 Production to Parents and Families

Thursday 11th July

Transition Day

Friday 12th July

9:00am Y2 Sharing Assembly to school and Parents and Carers

Friday 12th July

School Reports

Friday 19th July

9:00am Y6 Leaver’s Assembly to Parents and Carers

Friday 19th July

1:30pm End of the Summer Term

Monday 2nd September


Tuesday 3rd September


Wednesday 4th September

Autumn term starts for the children


Have a lovely weekend and for those that will be watching on Saturday, enjoy the football.

The Shephalbury Team

Friday 28th June 2024

We have had a glorious week of sunshine and the children have spent the week back in their school uniform following our very successful sports week last week.



This time of year, teachers, children and parents alike all begin to look back over the school year and the successes and achievements had. We also begin to think about next year too. Transition to the next class or next key stage is both exciting but can cause some anxiety too.


Transition at Shephalbury Park has already started with the Year 2 children having the opportunity to spend lunch times, if they so wish, on the Key Stage 2 playground ready for September. Year 6 children have met their Head of Year and some have already had transition meetings at their new school. Children new to our Reception and Nursery classes in September have had and will have time spent in their new classrooms over the next few weeks and our current Reception children have already visited the Y1 classroom as part of their transition to Year1.


We also have Mrs McKenzie who will be working with individual children to support their transition and of course all children will spend time on Thursday 11th July with their new class teacher.




Our Year 5 and Year 6 netball teams participated in the Stevenage Tournament on a very hot afternoon this week. Both teams played extremely well, and Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Dean said that despite the heat the girls gave their very best.  The girls played some very hard-fought games; our Y5 team finished second in their tournament and our Year 6 team finished fourth in theirs.


At the end of the tournament both teams’ final positions within the school league was announced; Year 5 finished second in their league and won the fair play award. The Year 6 team came seventh in their league. Both teams throughout the tournament and throughout the season have played in the spirit that sport should be played – with skill, persistence, sportsmanship and a smile on their face! Well done! We are very proud of you!



Headteacher’s Awards.

The first visitor to Mrs Dean and Mrs Cropley came from Lexi. Lexi had demonstrated to Mrs Spiller during WRE her ability to listen and then create and articulate questions associated with what she had listened to.


The visitors kept on coming as Hiba, Esme and Linda from Reception visited Mrs Dean and Mrs Cropley. Hiba received her Headteacher Award by demonstrating her use of phonics to write a list of fruit and vegetables. Esme and Linda also received their awards for using their phonic skills to read and write words given to them by an adult.




Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious cakes provided by Mrs McKenzie. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Iustin 

YR: Roco

Y1: Leo

Y2: TJ

Y3: Harvey

Y4: Lilly

Y5: Billy-Joe

Y6: Ben


Shephalbury LEARNER

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates. 

As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Charlie- Grow

YR: Isla- Think

Y1: Archie- Grow

Y2: Isabelle H- Think

Y3: Matthew- Grow

Y4: Jaden- Create

Y5: Roma- Stretch

Y6: Caleb- Risk



Phil’s Question of the Week: How can you keep yourself safe at the beach?

You can swim between the yellow and red flag and don't swim towards the tide and don't climb on the rocks.  Wear a band that says your parents phone number, wear suncream and a hat.   Tommy Year 4

At the beach it is very hot so you will need sun cream.  Ice water really helps and a cold shower once in a while won't do any harm.  Mina Year 5

Wear sun cream when you go to the beach.  Emily Year 1

Look out for the flags or ask a lifeguard if it is safe.  TJ Year 2



House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



This is how the overall totals look now.




Don’t forget to visit the school fair next Friday after school. Please see flyers that FOSP have already sent regarding our Summer Fair next week. They will be selling tokens/passes for pre-sale between 1 – 4 July. They will be on sale before and after school.



Dates for your diary

Tuesday 2nd July

EYFS attending 360 Play Stevenage

Thursday 4th July

Morning visit for Reception children who will be new to Shephalbury Park this September

Thursday 4th July


Transition Meeting for Parents and Carers who have a Nursery child starting Shephalbury Park this September

Friday 5th July


School Summer Fete organised by FOSP

Tuesday 9th July


Y6 Production to the school

Wednesday 10th July


Stay and Play for children who will be new to Nursery this September

Wednesday 10th July


Y6 Production to Parents and Families

Thursday 11th July

Transition Day

Friday 12th July

9:00am Y2 Sharing Assembly to school and Parents and Carers

Friday 12th July

School Reports

Friday 19th July

9:00am Y6 Leaver’s Assembly to Parents and Carers

Friday 19th July

1:30pm End of the Summer Term

Monday 2nd September


Tuesday 3rd September


Wednesday 4th September

Autumn term starts for the children


The Shephalbury Team

Friday 21st June 2024


We started the week by welcoming back our Year 6 children from their 3-night residential. The children came back ‘buzzing’ about their long weekend. They also came back more independent, confident, resilient and tired! If you would like to see what the children, Mrs Cropley, Mrs Grizzell and Mrs McKenzie got up to, then the photos can be found on the school website or click the link.


Sports Week

Sports Week is now officially over for another year but what a week! The children and the staff all have had time to learn and participate in a variety of sports including Judo, skipping, athletics and duck hunting! The week culminated in another successful sports day. We want to say a big thank you to all the parents and family members who came to cheer the children on and give support but also a big thank you to Mr Klein and Mr Wilkins who organised the event.

The slide show below shows just how much fun the children (and adults) have had this week.


The winners of the 2024 Sports Day were the Purple Sparrowhawks! Well done to all the children in Sparrowhawks! All the children this whole week have demonstrated sportsmanship, resilience, determination and most of all friendship. The photos below are evidence of this.


The children in Year 2 have been learning about ‘charity’ in WRE this term. Through their class discussions, they wished to support the charity PaNDR (Paediatric and Neonatal Decision Support and Retrieval Service. This charity provides critical care retrieval for neonates and children up to the age of 16 years of age as well as offer clinical advice to health professionals caring for children.




Early Years Foundation Stage Team

On Thursday, we welcomed Parents and Carers who will have children starting Reception Class this September. We do hope they found the meeting informative and that if it is the beginning of their journey with Shephalbury Park they will feel supported by both the school and our community. Later this term we will also hold a meeting for Parents and Carers who will have children starting Nursery this September.


For many Parents and Carers, it can be a very daunting and emotional time.  Our Early Years Team have a wealth of experience and are there to support with individual questions and queries but also give ideas and signpost to other help.


Headteacher’s Awards.


Again, Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean have had a constant stream of children visiting them for going above and beyond with their work, behaviour or approach to learning. We are proud of the following children and their ability to talk about their learning.


1 George – for his work in coding during his computing lessons.

2 Finley B – for his understanding and interpreting of bar charts in maths

3 Charlotte S – for independent writing

4 Sofia G for a fantastic piece of work explaining how our food is grown, harvested, packed and then placed on our supermarket shelves.

5 Darcey-Rose for her use of full stops, capital letters and fronted adverbials in her story

Now onto our celebrations for the week.

Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious cupcakes provided by Mrs Ashby. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Lois 

YR: Ellis

Y1: Rebecca

Y2: Felicity S

Y3: Henry F

Y4: Lenny B

Y5: Sereny

Y6: Kian


Shephalbury LEARNER

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Esme- Create

YR: Margot- Grow

Y1: Emily- Risk

Y2: Aren- Grow

Y3: Charlie- Risk

Y4: Baran- Create

Y5: Billy-Joe- Stretch

Y6: Roylean- Risk

Phil’s Question of the Week: Is it better to work as a team or on your own?  Explain.


Lilly Y5: It's up to you but I think working as a team because then if you are stuck then they can help you and you can take in other's ideas.

Harry Y1: As a team because you might earn more things.

Kyla M Y4: It depends because sometimes you'll rather work on your own but in a team you can get more support and ideas.

House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



This is how the overall totals look now.

Bike Shed

The children are fortunate to be able to live in an area where there are so many cycle lanes and safe places to cycle or scoot to school. Mr Haslett will be locking the bike shed at 8:50am each day. He will open it again at 3:00pm. Please remind your children to place their bikes and scooters inside the shed each day.


Dates for your diary

Tuesday 25th June

Year 5 and Year 6 Netball Tournament


Afternoon visit for Reception children who will be new to Shephalbury Park this September

Thursday 27th June


Stay and Play for children who will be new to Nursery this September

Tuesday 2nd July

EYFS attending 360 Play Stevenage

Thursday 4th July

Morning visit for Reception children who will be new to Shephalbury Park this September

Thursday 4th July


Transition Meeting for Parents and Carers who have a Nursery child starting Shephalbury Park this September

Friday 5th July


School Summer Fete organised by FOSP

Tuesday 9th July


Y6 Production to the school

Wednesday 10th July


Stay and Play for children who will be new to Nursery this September

Wednesday 10th July


Y6 Production to Parents and Families

Thursday 11th July

Transition Day

Friday 12th July

9:00am Y2 Sharing Assembly to school and Parents and Carers

Friday 12th July

School Reports

Friday 19th July

9:00am Y6 Leaver’s Assembly to Parents and Carers

Friday 19th July

1:30pm End of the Summer Term

Monday 2nd September


Tuesday 3rd September


Wednesday 4th September

Autumn term starts for the children


Have a good week and we will see you on Monday! 

The Shephalbury Team

Friday 14th June 2024

Another busy week here at school. It was so lovely to see so many male role models in school this week. The Early Years Team chose to celebrate forthcoming Father’s Day, if you have forgotten, it is this Sunday with the children sharing music, games and breakfast with a male care giver in their lives.

We also have seen lots of classes this week out creating memories. On Monday, the children in Y1 and Y2 spent the day at Knebworth House and Gardens. The children had a fabulous day despite the inclement weather. Here are some pupil comments from their day!


Going on the wavey slide was my favourite part of the day. Oliver

I liked learning how old the trees were and learning the dinosaur names. Jaiden

I loved learning what the different trees were called and playing on the equipment. Phoebe

I loved everything. Daniel

I enjoyed the slide, the park and the fort because they were all very fun. Felicity B

I liked exploring Fort Knebworth. Isabelle

I really enjoyed learning about the dinosaurs and learning about the castle. Ethan

My favourite part was going on the swings. William

The dinosaurs were amazing and the bird calls were outstanding. Alfie

I enjoyed going down the slide next to Mrs Lewis. Melissa M

I liked seeing the deer. TJ

On Thursday, our youngest learners spent the day at Standalone Farm. The children in Nursery and Reception came back ‘buzzing’ about the animals and experiences they had. Outside the classroom learning experiences are important and for lots of children a keyway of learning. They take many adults including office staff time to plan, so thank you to all the adults who facilitated these worthwhile learning experiences. 

Finally, as you read this, our oldest learners, Year 6, are currently spending the weekend away at Bawdsey Manor, Ipswich. They left first thing this morning to participate in an outward bound 4 day/3-night adventure experience. I am sure they will all have a memorable time and one that will stay with them throughout their journey through life. I am sure as an adult reading this; you may not have always remembered the planned and prepped lessons delivered by your teachers, but you still have memories of day visits or residentials. Day visits bring the classroom learning to life and residentials are an invaluable way of providing new activities, adventure and challenges while being away from the normal routines of home and school. They help develop a child’s confidence, resilience, social skills and encourage personal development and independence.



Headteacher’s Awards.

This week Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean saw a glut of children from Year 3. The children are obviously making a big impression on Miss Maggs this week.


First to arrive were Florence and Elijah. Both impressed Miss Maggs, Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean with their writing. Both children brought a piece of independent writing from last September to now. The quantity, content and handwriting has improved without question. Both children were able to articulate their progress.

Next from Year 3, came Henry G for his independent work in Maths (3D shapes) and then Elliot for his Geography. Elliot was able to articulate how he had misunderstood a piece of work and that by trying again he was able to succeed.

From Year 4, Lenny B spent time with Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean talking about his learning in WRE. He was able to turn to any page in his book and talk about the learning that had taken place. The presentation of his work and the various ways he has chosen to show his learning blew both the adults away.

Then, from Year 1, we had Lola and John-Boy visit us, with their English books. They were excited to share their fantastic story writing with us, based on the story of Aladdin. They told us their stories and we were happy to see their progress!

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious cupcakes provided by Mr Klein. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Cooper 

YR: Hiba

Y1: John-Boy

Y2: Lillee

Y3: Olivia

Y4: Vinnie

Y5: Spencer C

Y6: Kingsley



Shephalbury LEARNER


As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Aaira - Create

YR: Evan – Think

Y1: Isla D- Grow

Y2: Albert- Stretch

Y3: Finley- Risk

Y4: Tommy- Solve

Y5: William- Solve

Y6: Damon- Grow


Phil’s Question of the Week: How could you show your appreciation of someone? Explain…


Hiba YR- Tell them they did a good job.


Richard Y5- You can tell them how much you love them or give them a hug.


Olivia Y6- Being kind and show respect. You don’t have to spend money- DIY things and make homemade things.


House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards




This is how the overall totals look now.


Finally, please don’t forget next week is Sports Week. Children should come to school in their PE kit, ready for each day’s activities. Sports Day is on Friday 21st June. We are having a picnic lunch as normal at the conclusion of Sports Day. It goes without saying that this is weather dependent!


Have a good week and we hope to see you next Friday!

The Shephalbury Team

Friday 7th June 2024

Welcome back to summer term 2! It is going to be a very busy term with Sports Week, Transition sessions and days, trips out, the school summer Fete, Y2 Sharing Assembly and the Y6 End of year production.


Colour Day

Today we have supported FOSP and our forthcoming school fete by coming to school in our house colours. Look at our colourful school today!




In EYFS we were lucky to have an author called Su Murley visit us to tell us all about her book Shirley Murley. The children learnt all about how Su created the characters and decided on the words she had selected for rhyming. The children enjoyed listening to the story and hearing all the different words. In reception the children continued with rhyming and performed their poems and funny rhyming lines to Nursery.

School Effectiveness Visit

This week we also have had a visit from Mrs Hinstridge who is the school effective adviser. She spent the morning with Mrs Lewis discussing and observing Maths across the school. She was very impressed with the quality of maths being taught but most importantly the children’s ability to articulate their learning and to reflect where to improve.


Y5 Netball

Our Y5 netballers were in action on Monday. The girls showed real Shephalbury resilience as they came back to draw 4-4 in the final quarter. Well done girls, we are very proud of you!


Dates for your diary

Monday 10th June – Y1/Y2 trip to Knebworth House

Thursday 13th June – EYFS trip to Standalone Farm

Friday 14th – Monday 17th June - Y6 away on a 4-day residential to Bawdsey Manor

Monday 17th – Friday 21st June – Sports Week. Children come to school in PE kit all week

Friday 21st June – Whole School Sports Day followed by family picnic on the field (weather permitting)


Headteacher’s Awards.

This week Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean have been visited by children in the younger years. First thing Monday they were greeted by Maison in Y1. He has been working at home and taking his maths even further. He had completed with some help from Mum a whole maths work book.

Following quickly on, Leo and Theo from Reception came knocking on the door. Leo came for some independent writing about Leopards, a book that he had been reading and Theo for designing and then making a ‘T Buggy’. He used the technique of split pins to enable the wheels to turn fully.

Finally, Louie from Y1 came to talk about the work he had completed in Geography. He was able to talk about the different seasons and when certain fruit and vegetables can be grown and harvested.

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious cupcakes provided by Mr Klein. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Lewi 

YR: Leo

Y1: Kai

Y2: Ethan

Y3: Eric

Y4: Liam

Y5: Fredrico

Y6: Olivia


Shephalbury LEARNER

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Iustin - Stretch

YR: Theo – Create

Y1: Arthur- Reflect

Y2: Felicity Saunders- Stretch

Y3: Harvey- Grow

Y4: Emily- Create

Y5: Freddie- Think

Y6: Melisa- Reflect



Phil’s Question of the Week: What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘pride’? Explain…

Ephraim Y5- When I hear the word pride, it means that you feel proud when you achieve challenges meaning you have a growth mindset.

Lola Y1- A pack of lions.

Amelia Y5- When I think of the word pride, I think of 2 things. 1. Having pride in yourself or others. 2. LGBTQ which stands for L=Lesbian, G= Gay, B= Bisexual, T= Transgender and Q=Queer.


House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



This is how the overall totals look now.

The Shephalbury Team

Friday 24th May 2024

The final week before half term and a very, very busy week here at Shephalbury Park Primary School.

Stevenage Football Club

The week kicked off with some of our Y6 learners visiting the Lamex Stadium which is the home to Stevenage Town Football Club. The children, along with Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Cropley, took part in a variety of workshops at the football ground. The children explored and discussed topics such as the importance of a healthy body and a healthy mind, anxiety and transition from primary to secondary school. The children also had a tour of the football stadium including the dugout, away and home changing rooms and the trophy cabinet.
























Woodhall Estate Visit

The second trip of the week saw our Y5 and Y6 learners spending a fantastic if rather wet day at Woodhall Estate which is near Watton-on Stone. The theme of the day was, ‘Countryside Learning.’ The children had a great day participating in activities such as ecology, sustainable farming, apples and orchards, falconry, arable farming and sheep.

Here are some of our learners’ thoughts and photos about the day:

“I learnt that the first apples originated on the border between China and Kazakhstan and then spread across the world.” Amelia

“Vultures only eat dead animals. They can eat the dead animals from 2 weeks after it died or was killed but red kites will only eat dead animals up to 2 weeks after its death but no longer.” - Ben

“Owls are the second least intelligent bird due to the size of their eyes. Their eyes take up so much space in their head that their brain is very small.” - Phoebe

 “Owls have different eye colour dependent on what time of day they hunt. If an owl has yellow eyes it hunts at dawn/dusk, if an owl has dark eyes they hunt at night and if an owl has orange eyes it hunts during the day.”- Jamila

“I learnt about a new animal called a stoat. It is a mammal, and its fur can be brown with a white bib “– Leanna

“My favourite part of the day was when we got to feed the sheep. I kept dropping the pellet because I thought it might bite me. I learnt that sheep do not have teeth at the top of their mouth, just gums and they have flat teeth at the bottom.” Kyrillos

Year 1 Sharing Assembly

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended Year 1’s assembly today. We were treated to a fantastic selection of learning from the children. It can be very daunting to speak aloud to a large audience, but the children did not disappoint. Well done to each and every one of them and a very big thank you to Mrs Cargill and Miss Stringer for facilitating this.


Art competition

We need to congratulate some more children this week too. Children who attend Tea Pots (After School Club) entered a Monster Madness competition. The children were asked to draw, paint and create a monster. The competition was open to all clubs and schools in the UK. The children relished the challenge. The following children now have the possibility of having their artwork published in a book called, Monster Madness. The children also received a certificate and sticker.


Charlie – Reception

Matthew, Yasmina and Isla K – Year 1

Bella, TJ and Katalea – Year 2

Eleanor – Year 3

Emily and Steffen – Year 4

Sereny – Year 5


KS2 Adventure Area

Please can we remind parents that if younger children are playing on the play equipment by the main gate, it is your responsibility to be vigilant. Children are playing on the equipment unsupervised where accidents could easily happen.  


Phil’s Golden Moment

Children who have received a golden ticket for an answer to one of Phil’s thought provoking questions this half term were treated to Smores.


Sports News

Netball matches are coming thick and fast at the moment. Our Y5 and Y6 girls were again in action last Friday with a double header at St Nicholas school. The games were played with a true competitive edge. The Y5 girls played two games ending in a win and a draw and the Y6 girls played one game but, on this occasion, lost their game. We are always proud of how the girls represent, not only our school, but how they carry themselves throughout the game and the camaraderie they demonstrate towards one another.


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some wonderful fairy cakes provided by Mrs Dean. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Cropley! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Lois

YR: Finley

Y1: Harry

Y2: Lewis

Y3: Louis

Y4: Lilyanna

Y5: Amelia

Y6: Roylean



Here is the photo of last week’s Bucket Fillers!



Shephalbury LEARNER

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Eliza- Stretch

YR: Lucy- Stretch

Y1: Louie- Create

Y2: William- Solve

Y3: Poppy- Think

Y4: Lily- Risk

Y5: Sofia- Think

Y6: Amelia- Create



House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



This is how the overall totals look now.



Phil’s question of the week- What would you ask our new headteacher?

We had so many answers from across the school. It was very hard to choose any winners this week. What super questions that we will use!


Headteacher’s Awards

Following a drought of head teacher awards last week, Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean were inundated with children this week.


The first child to come through their door on Monday morning was Albert in Y2. He demonstrated he is able to apply himself in lots of areas of the curriculum. He shared a super story where he is using full stops, capital letters and adjectives and then a piece of Geography where he was able to talk about the difference between the town and countryside.

Hot on Albert’s heels came a group of children from Year 4. They have been studying the water cycle in science and have worked independently or in a pair to design and create posters to demonstrate their understanding. The children had a choice of medium. Lenny B chose fabric whilst Joy and Eliannah created texture by using varied papers and card.

The door continued to open to more children extending their learning. Next Archie in Y1 visited, showing off how his progress in reading. He read a passage out aloud fluently and with intonation and with pauses in the correct place. Well done!

Next, came Seth in Year 6. He astounded both Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean with how he extended his understanding of his computing unit in class by going home and using the programme Tinkercad to design, write a program and then print a 3D model. What do you think?

Rae in Y3 also like Seth had her curiosity ignited in class by Mrs Grizzell. During the science lesson, the children were learning about pollination and the importance of bees. Rae went home and continued her learning.


Other News

The Shephalbury Park Team wish you all a restful half term and we will see you Monday 3rd June. The school gate will be open at 8:35am and registers will be taken at 8:50am. See you then!


The Shephalbury Team

Friday 17th May 2024


Our oldest children have taken their end of Key Stage 2 SATs this week. We are very proud of how they applied themselves to the task and remained focussed throughout. Also a big thank you to all the support staff who, during the week, have supported the children by serving breakfast to the cohort, sitting with groups during the test and being a listening ear and familiar face in an unfamiliar experience. You are all superstars!


Have your Say!

We saw an interesting piece of news in the Comet online this week- “A new multi-use games area (MUGA) will be created in Stevenage, if a bid for funding is successful.” There are three playing fields which have been identified as possible sites, including Shephalbury Park. There is a survey, which you can complete online using the link below. The council will use this to establish the community need. We think it would be a fantastic addition to the local park, Shephalbury Park. They are also offering a chance to win one of three £50 Amazon vouchers if you complete the survey and provide your name and email!


To complete the survey, visit and click on the link. The survey closes on May 19.



Next, we would like to share with you our newest member of the school, a fox cub! Some staff and children were lucky enough on Wednesday after school to observe a fox cub in our school grounds. He spent time relaxing, sunning himself and snoozing in the afternoon sun before darting off into the undergrowth. After school club are now on a daily fox watch.


Thank You

We would like to say a big thank you to Mollie’s family in Reception. They have kindly donated to the school a composter and a water butt. Mr Haslett has already got plans for these.


Thank you to Mr Noakes, Joshua’s dad in Year 5, who has helped our Breakfast and After School Clubs secure a large donation of food from the Sainsbury’s charity, Helping Everyone Eat Better. The purpose of the initiative can be found by clicking on this link.


Crazy Hair Day

Our final thank you must go to all the children who participated in Crazy Hair Day today. Your contributions towards our Summer Fete are gratefully received, whether that was your £1 or your donation towards a stall. You all made our school a more colourful place to be in today.



Now onto our celebrations for the week.


Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some lovely cakes provided by Mrs Ashby! The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Jude

YR: Ernie

Y1: Kacper

Y2: Jaiden

Y3: Henry G

Y4: Kyla M

Y5: Mia

Y6: Anjolaoluwa


The photo will follow next week!

Shephalbury LEARNER


As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Lewi- Stretch

YR: Levi- Grow

Y1: Greyson- Risk

Y2: Ayaaz- Grow

Y3: George- Grow

Y4: Charlie- Think

Y5: Richard- Reflect

Y6: Ben- Reflect



House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



This is how the overall totals look now.



Phil’s question of the week- What do you try to avoid and why?

We had a huge range of things that children try to avoid; strangers, fights, cleaning their teeth!  However this week’s Golden Ticket winner are;

Olive, Y2: "cars because you could get run over."

Teddy Y2:  "slugs and snails because there slimy and weird."

Kyla M Y4:  "I try to avoid upsetting people and spiders because if you be rude to someone you will dip that bucket, and I really don't like spiders!"

Darcie Y1: "bugs because they are scary but I be brave."


Other News

•             Wednesday 22nd May - Y5 and Y6 are out on a learning experience at Woodhall Estate

•             Friday 24th May - Y1 Sharing Assembly at 9:00am to the school and to the Y1 parents

•             Friday 24th May - 3:20pm Half term begins


Bookcase Wanted- If anyone has an unwanted bookcase that we could use for our community library initiative, please could you let the office or Mrs Dean know.


Have a good weekend and enjoy the weekend!

The Shephalbury Team


Friday 10th May 2024

The start of the week may have been one they we may want to forget weather wise, but what a lovely sunny end to another busy week here at Shephalbury Park.


The visit today by SkipBeatz was both energetic, heart pumping, fun and loud! Do please look at the photo gallery below of the children having fun, exercising and learning more about choosing a healthy lifestyle.

End of Key Stage 2 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATS)

All children in Year 6 and across the country will take their end of Key Stage 2 Statutory Assessment Tests next week. The children will sit tests in Grammar and Punctuation, Spelling, Reading, Mental Arithmetic and Problem Solving and Reasoning. The tests will run from Monday to Thursday.

Currently, these tests are compulsory for all schools to complete. Results along with Teacher Assessment will be shared in your child’s Annual Report. Please remember SATS aren’t about passing or failing but are used to reflect the level your child is working at independently.

We, at Shephalbury Park, are very proud of our children and we know they will demonstrate all the attributes of the Shephalbury Learner next week. Do please ensure that your child gets lots of rest and sleep to help them perform to the best of their ability. The children will meet each morning after registration to have breakfast together before returning to class to take their test for that day.


Suncream, hats and water bottles

As we have had a few days of sunshine and hopefully a few more, can we remind you of keeping our children sun protected. Please do ensure your child has suncream applied before the start of the school day and that they have a sun hat or cap in school. If you wish your child to self-reapply suncream during the day, please do note the ingredients of the cream. As a nut free school, do check that the sun cream does not contain almond oil. Your child will also need a water bottle each day in school to ensure they also stay hydrated.


KidFest tickets

Thank you to all who emailed into the school office to show an interest in the two tickets that we have had kindly donated. Congratulations to Aryan De-Roses! Your name was chosen randomly. We hope you enjoy the day. We look forward to hearing all about it.


Crazy Hair Day

Just a reminder about the FOSP led event next Friday 17th May.


Sports News

The Year 6 netball team have once again had a fixture this week. They played against Longmeadow, with perfect conditions for netball. The girls were brilliant and this reflected in the score, which resulted in a 10-1 victory.


They have also played this afternoon against Bedwell. It was an exciting game, with Shephalbury winning a close encounter 10-9.


Well done to all the girls involved!


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some lovely Mini Rolls provided by Mrs Mutch. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Elena

YR: Mollie

Y1: Yasmina

Y2: Ryver

Y3: Tia

Y4: Jessica

Y5: Ephraim

Y6: Yumna


Shephalbury LEARNER

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Morgan- Grow

YR: Matei - Stretch

Y1: Matthew- Stretch

Y2: Bella- Grow

Y3: Theo- Grow

Y4: Vinnie- Think

Y5: Spencer B- Grow

Y6: Leanna- Think



House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards

Not counted as yet.


This is how the overall totals look now.


Phil’s question of the week- Why is it important to rest, spend time outdoors and have hobbies and interests?  Explain...

Melisa- Y6: It’s important to rest and have fresh air outside and not to be bored every day.  We can also learn things and new interests making our life better. 

Roma- Y5: It’s important to rest so you get enough sleep and be energised and ready for the morning.  It’s good to get time outdoors so you get fresh air and it good for your mental health.  Finally it’s good to have hobbies and interests so that you stay active and don’t sit around watching TV all the time. 

Connie- Y3: So you can grow your brain and get energy.

Kane- Reception: Exercise helps with hugging their Mummy. 



Headteacher’s Awards

Some of our learners have been noted for their brilliant work this week, receiving a headteacher’s award. They are:

Spencer B Y5 – fabulous independent work in WRE using the chrome book.

Ethan J Y2 – demonstrating independent maths strategies to solve a 3-digit number multiplied by a 1-digit number.

Ethan D Y3- produced some brilliant persuasive writing, based on the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit.’

Olivia T- Y3- produced some brilliant persuasive writing, based on the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit.’

Other News

  • A reminder that Year 5 and 6 are going on a trip to Woodhall Estate in a couple of weeks. Please ensure you’ve ordered your packed lunch, if you require one.

Have a good weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

The Shephalbury Team

Friday 3rd May 2024

Happy Friday! This is the start of our long bank holiday weekend. Just a reminder that school is not open on Monday, due to the bank holiday. We will return to school on Tuesday 7th May at 8:35am as usual.



As a school, we have had 2 tickets, which have been donated, for the forthcoming KidsFest event held here in Stevenage at the Show Ground, Broadhall Way.

The tickets are for Saturday 18th May. If this is an event you feel you would like to go to please email into the school office your child’s name and class by Thursday 9th May. We will choose a name from random on Friday 10th May to receive the 2 tickets.



We would like to remind parents and carers of the importance of children having a punctual start to the school day.

All registers are taken at 8:50am with the class then settled to start lessons. Teachers and the school office are noticing individual children and families consistently coming into school late. Children coming in after 8:50am can miss the camaraderie that their peers have experienced from each other coming into school, they may feel anxious, rushed, or unsettled or may miss part of the key teaching of the morning.

All teachers will always greet children who are late with a smile and a quick check in, but consistent lateness is not conducive to a good start to a child’s day.


Spring term House Points

Kestrels were the winners of last term’s competition – Well done! The school council have met and have decided that all Kestrels can come to school, if they choose, in their Pyjamas. The day of this will be Tuesday 7th May.



We are extremely fortunate to live in an area that is both green and accessible for all. If you combine school drop off or pick up with walking the family dog, we kindly ask that you wait on the grassed area outside the school gate. We have children and adults who are anxious around dogs and are walking into the road to ensure there is a distance between themselves and the animal.


Class news

Reception Trip to Post Office

We received a postcard from Dylan who moved away to Wales. We wrote our letters back to Dylan and we went to post them. We went into the post office, where we had to weigh our letters. We were then given a stamp which we had to stick on the right-hand corner and then afterwards we posted our three big envelopes. A big thank you to all the parents who helped us out and walked with us to the shops.



Year 2

In Computing, we are making music using Chrome Music Lab. We have been learning about rhythm and patterns in music.


In Maths, we were learning about mass. We have been comparing the mass of objects we could find in our classroom, using the language of heavier and lighter.

Sports News

Last week, Year 5 and 6 football team played their final league fixture of the season against Lodge Farm. It was a tight affair, with Shephalbury making the most of the chances they had, to come away 4-2 winners. Well done to everyone who has taken part in our training sessions and matches this season. We should finish mid-table, which is respectable considering we have played in Division 2, against some much larger schools than ourselves!


Alongside the footballers, our Year 6 netball team also played last Friday against Trotts Hill. The girls were incredible and won 20-0. Trotts Hill deserve lots of credit for their hard work and determination, especially as this is a new netball team, with a mixture of Year 5 and 6 girls. Well done to all those who took part!


Year 3 and 4 played a friendly fixture against Aston this week. As this is a friendly fixture, we will not be posting the full-time result. We are proud of the children as they battled hard and didn’t give up! Well done to all of those involved!


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some lovely Mini Rolls provided by Mrs Mutch. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Lola

YR: Ollie

Y1: Stefan

Y2: Georgi

Y3: Ethan D

Y4: McKenzie

Y5: Charlie

Y6: Elijah



Shephalbury LEARNER

As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to every one of them:


YN: Jude- Think

YR: Chester- Think

Y1: Darcie – Think

Y2: Melissa M- Grow

Y3: Rae- Grow

Y4: Baran- Stretch

Y5: Amelia- Stretch

Y6: Ethan- Reflect


House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



This is how the overall totals look now.


Phil’s question of the week- Can you trust anything that you read on the internet?

Lilly Y5 "No you as there can be scammers and creepy people that could try to lure you to give personal details (phone number, address etc.)

George Y3 "No because most videos are edited and fake but if its research then yes"

Leanna Y6, "No because something can be a lie without you realising it, so you would need to check 3 websites to make sure it is true."

Louis Y3, "No, look at the author and judge and compare."



Headteacher’s Awards

We have had lots of learners working extra hard once again and have earned a Headteacher’s award this week. They are:

Ryver (Y2) – for perseverance in Maths when he was learning about money.

Matthew (Y3) – for his magnificent work in Maths when he was learning all about fractions.

Poppy (Y3) – for attempting the 3-star challenge in Maths, what a fantastic Shephalbury Learner.

Esmie (Y2) – completing her Maths money problem question independently and choosing the right strategies to be successful.

Alfie (Y2)– demonstrating tenacity and perseverance to want to complete his Maths money problems by choosing to work in his own time to ensure he gets to the answer.

Dominic (Y1) – demonstrating a phenomenal understanding of the flags of the world. He could name every flag we challenged him with.


Other News

  • An email went home this week about our skipping workshops next week. All children should be in PE kit next Friday (10th May), as well as their usual PE day.

Have a good weekend and we will see you on Tuesday!

The Shephalbury Team

Friday 26th April 2024


Happy Friday! It has been another busy week this week, with lots of engaging learning and trips out. We will begin with some information regarding Early Morning Work.


Early Morning Work is set in all classes from Y1 – Y6 and our EYFS complete a daily fine motor development task. The purpose is to allow children to come into school ready to begin to learn. The work or task set in Y1 – Y6 is usually a consolidation task from the previous day or a pre task to find out what children already know before the next piece of learning. Early Morning Work is planned for by the teacher and children are given time to complete this from 8:40am – 8:55am. Teachers then usually discuss answers or ideas and use this for the next steps of learning for the class.


Class news


Year 5 and 6 went on an exciting adventure to Hazard Alley in Milton Keynes this week. They had a fabulous time learning about real-life dangers and how they can handle different situations. As you will see from the pictures below, the children took part in a range of scenarios, where they had to think about a course of action they would take, focusing on staying safe.

Sports News

Last week, Year 5 and 6 played a football fixture against Benington. It was a fascinating match, which was hard-fought but played in the right spirit. Although Shephalbury managed to score 5 goals, we lost 7-5 in the end. Well done to all those who played.

This evening, the Year 5 and 6 football team will play their final league fixture of the season against Lodge Farm. We will let you know how it goes next week!


Alongside the footballers, our Year 6 netball team also play this evening. Good luck to them as they play Trotts Hill at home. 


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious cupcakes provided by Mrs Cropley. The children enjoyed their time with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Morgan

YR: Theo

Y1: Jaxon

Y2: Phoebe

Y3: Eleanor

Y4: Max

Y5: Harvey

Y6: Lacey


Shephalbury LEARNER

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always, our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school, working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Linda- Solve

YR: Ellis - Create

Y1: Taylor- Grow

Y2: Jaxson- Stretch

Y3: Olivia - Stretch

Y4: Alfie- Stretch

Y5: Mayson- Grow

Y6: Caleb- Stretch


House Points

Here are this week’s house points.

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



Phil’s question of the week- How does your mood and actions affect others?

A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.


If I’m in a good mood people will want to play with me. If I’m in a bad mood I will come to our quiet area and play with the Phil Good bag. Leo (R)

People won't play with you. Levi (R)

Make a silly face (to make someone feel happy). Louie (R)


Headteacher’s Awards

We have had lots of learners working extra hard and have earned a Headteacher’s award this week. They are:

George (Rec) for writing super instructions on how to plant a seed.

Alfred (Y1) for completing research at home about the planet Jupiter and creating a papier mâché model.

Molly (Y1) for taking her own learning and interest further. She watched a programme about volcanoes and make one, with her dad, at home!

Eleanor (Y3) for creating a cartoon strip retelling a story that Guru Nanak told of The milk and Jasmine flower.

Ronnie (Y3) for fantastic work on fractions and for embodying the true meaning of being Shephalbury Learner by working through his break to really extend his learning.


Kyla D (Y4) for working well with her partner to produce and perform a rap all about the water cycle.

Violet (Y4) for working well with her partner to produce and perform a rap all about the water cycle.

Roylean (Y6) for progress in English this week by acting upon advice given by her class teacher to create work that has both punctuated dialogue and action.

Leanna (Y6) for progress in English this week by also acting upon advice given by her class teacher to create work that demonstrates her understanding of the concepts of punctuated speech, action, passive voice and parenthesis.

Other News

  • Thank you to 360 for allowing the children of Shephalbury Park to enjoy a free session on Tuesday. We’ve spoken to many children who have said they had a great time.
  • Book donations - we will be starting our school community library very soon. If you have any books that you would like to donate, please bring to the school office. The library will be for adults too, so we are happy to accept books for both adults and children. Many thanks.
  • Remember that Monday 6th May is a bank holiday, therefore school will not be open.
  • A big thank you to Craig Huffer, uncle of Lennon and Kyla, for donating £500 to Early Years to buy some Tonie boxes.
  • Kane’s Dad in Reception for kindly making us a brand new bug hotel for the EYFS garden.


Have a good weekend,

The Shephalbury Team

Friday 19th April 2024

Welcome back after the Easter break. This week has seen the beginning of a new journey at Shephalbury Park, as we start the summer term with Mrs Cropley and Mrs Dean leading the school. If you have any questions or concerns, please either see them on the gate, or contact the school office.


We are keen for the blog to continue under its new name… The Shephalbury Blog! Each week, we aim to keep you updated with some of the exciting things that are happening across the school, along with the usual celebrations of our Bucket Fillers, Shephalbury LEARNERs, Golden Tickets winners and Headteacher’s awards. 


Uniform reminders

As we approach the warmer, summer months please remember that learners should be wearing:

  • Grey trousers, skirts or pinafores
  • Pale blue polo shirt, shirt or blouse
  • Navy cardigan or jumper
  • Black shoes or trainers
  • Navy, grey black tights
  • Navy, grey, black or white socks
  • Hair bands and bows should be navy or white and be small. 


Learners may wear a blue/white checked or striped dress or smart, tailored shorts.


On your child’s PE day, learners should wear their house colour T-shirt, navy joggers or shorts and trainers. 


Children should not be wearing jewellery of any kind, earrings should be studs only and children should not be wearing nail varnish to school.


Class News

We have had a busy start to the term with all classes getting back into learning. This new feature of the blog will showcase some of the learning from across the school each week. 

On Thursday, Year 3 and 4 went to Stevenage Museum to find out more about local art. They visited some sculptures and then had the opportunity to make their own clay sculpture. There was also some time to visit the exhibits in the museum’s gallery. 

Year 4 have also had their first KidzFit lesson this week. They completed a strength course, including kettlebell swings, medicine ball slams, weighted sprints and flipping a tire. They were taught the correct posture and technique to do these safely. They also spoke about forming healthy habits. This will continue for the next 5 weeks.

Year 5 have begun their swimming and have had a visit from the Mini Police, as they begin a project with them.



Now onto our celebrations for the week.


Bucket Fillers

This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious Caterpillar and Percy Pig cakes with Mrs Dean. A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Inaaya

YR: Grayson

Y1: Louie

Y2: Ashton

Y3: Skylar

Y4: Jake

Y5: Richard

Y6: Emmie


Shephalbury LEARNER

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed out our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates.


As always our staff have been on the lookout for pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER. These are refLect, solvE, creAte, gRow, thiNk, strEtch and Risk. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Annabelle- Think

YR: Freddie- Grow

Y1: Dominica- Reflect

Y2: Felicity B- Think

Y3: George- Grow

Y4: Hannah- Solve

Y5: Emilia- Stretch

Y6: Olivia- Risk



House Points

Here are the final house points for the Spring term. 

Green Kestrels


Red Kites


Purple Sparrowhawks


Blue Buzzards



Well done to Green Kestrels! Their reward will be shared shortly.

This week’s house point totals will be shared next week.


Phil’s question of the week- Would life be better without mobile phones?


A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.


Mina Y5 "It wouldn't be better but it can help a bit.  Mobile phones give us lots of possibilities such as texting, gaming and searching which can help with out every day lives, but we can receive bad messages, pictures and anything inappropriate.  Even if this doesn't happen, it can be bad for the enviornment, making climate change worse"


Baran Y4  "No, because we need to be able to ring emergency services when we are out"


Hannah Y4 "Yes because you can spend more time with your family."



Headteacher’s Awards

Nursery- Annabelle - For her creation of Super Tato

Reception - Matilda - For fantastic writing

Reception – Isla – For fabulous letter and using phonics to help

Reception – Leo – For letter and using his phonics to help


Other News

  • Good luck to the Year 5 and 6 football team, who are travelling to Benington this afternoon for a league fixture- we will update you next week with how they get on!
  • We sent out a notification yesterday from 360. This is an exciting opportunity for our learners to go and socialise with each other free of charge, on Tuesday 23rd April. Please ensure that children have something with the school logo on, to identify them. Their house PE tops would be a great example.
  • Don’t forget that Monday 6th May is a bank holiday, therefore school will be closed.


Have a good weekend,

The Shephalbury Park Team

Thursday 28th March

As we make it to the end of term, I find myself writing my final blog post after 1,670 days as the Headteacher of Shephalbury Park Primary School. It has been a lovely day, visiting church, having tea parties with everyone,  drawing the Easter raffle and having a farewell assembly…a perfect way to end my time at Shephalbury Park.


I held my last Monday assembly last week, taking some time to discuss new adventures and reflecting on the adventures that we have already had. It was lovely to be able to spend time sharing some memories from the last 5 years and talking about how we feel as we all embark on a journey into the future.


When reflecting on the journey of the school during my time here, it is amazing to look back at what we have achieved together: a new library, weekly tea parties, Shephalbury LEARNER, sports weeks, trips, visitors, new house teams and a whole lot more. I am incredibly proud of what we have created for our learning community and will remember many of the fantastic people and experiences that I have fortunate to have along the way.


Along with all of the brilliant times that I have had, my time here has been interspersed with many challenges along the way – specifically during the COVID pandemic. Whilst this period was filled with uncertainty for all of us, it gave us the opportunity to be creative and build a learning community in a positive way for the betterment of the education of the learners here at Shephalbury Park.


I remember vividly coming to view the school before applying for the role. It was a snow day, everyone was in their own clothes and school had been optional on that particular day. I immediately felt a sense of warmth from everyone and could see the huge potential within the school, and most importantly I could see myself leading it.


I have been honoured to be able to have played a part in building and leading a learning community like the one here at Shephalbury Park. I also feel very privileged to have been welcomed in and embraced by everyone associated with the school…this really has felt like home for the last (nearly) 5 years.


My role has been made a lot easier during my time here thanks to a huge range of individuals and groups.


Firstly, an enormous thank you to the staff, past and present, for the commitment, belief and effort that they have put in to play their roles in making our school what it is today. I have worked in and with many schools during my time as an educator, and I have rarely, if ever, seen or worked with a staff team like this! They are supportive, adaptable, caring and above all good fun.


Next, of course, are our incredible Shephalbury learners. They are a vibrant and engaging group who I have had the real pleasure of getting to know and see grow over time. Their enjoyment and love of our school has filled my life with much happiness. They try their very best to embody the expectations that we set for them and I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of their educational and life journey. I will of course miss them all greatly!


Thank you to our wider community and families. I thank you all for the trust that you have put in our school and me as its leader, in supporting us during tough times and believing in the approach that we have taken to educate your children. I have deeply valued your our wide ranging conversations over the years and your kind words and gifts.


Leading a school is quite unlike anything else, it is not just a job to be done but it is something that gets you deep inside. Whilst our core purpose is education, it goes far beyond just the academic element. It is the relationships that are built, the opportunities that are created and the emotions that are felt by all. I can quite honestly say that I have thoroughly enjoyed developing and leading this learning community over the last 5 years and I will miss it and you all greatly…I will always be a Shephalbury Learner deep down.


Ben Conway

Friday 22nd March 2024

The end of another and I am finding myself writing what will be my last full blog post, I will post a final one next week. Over the course of the week I have found myself reflecting on many things from the past few years. Events, people, good times and challenges. Through it all the constant thing for me has been the sense of togetherness and community that is felt within our school. As a staff team, as cohorts of learners and as a wider school community. This is something that I will truly miss as I move on.


I opened up the week with an assembly aimed at hopefully answering some of the many ‘Mr Conway, why are you leaving us?’ questions that I have had over the last couple of months. I appreciate how hard the concept is for children as staff move on to other roles, and it is also a hard concept to come to terms with as an adult and professional, having built strong relationships with the community. My assembly was based on New Adventures and centred on the Oliver Jeffers book ‘What We’ll Build’, which centres around building something special with those we care about, inviting others in and sharing what we have and then building a special place for the memories created. I felt that this perfectly captured my thoughts and feelings at the moment.


We shared and discussed the importance of new adventures and how this feels- the mix of excitement, loss and nervousness that comes with it. We also reflected on how we apply ourselves as Shephalbury Learners throughout our lives, and the opportunity to take risks and grow in life outside of school.


If you would like to see the assembly presentation you can below (it also includes some old photos of current learners from a few years ago which surprised everyone!):

This week was the International Day of Happiness, a day dedicated to spreading positivity and happiness amongst ourselves. We all recognise that life can be tough for many at the moment, however with more positivity and happy vibes we can spread to each other the nicer place we can make the world.

A big thank you to everyone who attended our learning review meetings this week, I hope that you found these meetings informative with regards to your child’s progress and attainment. We value your attendance at these meetings and the opportunity that it allows us to recognise and celebrate the positives in everyone’s learning.


Any meetings that were missed due to staff illness will be rearranged in the near future, thank you for your understanding with this.


I wrote last week regarding The Friends of Shephalbury Park’s AGM. Please see below for the updated information that was circulate regarding The FOSP:

We have seen some of our learners out and about this week, with church visits and the Y3 & 4 residential taking place this weekend. These learning experiences can only take place due to the planning and time given by our staff team. A huge thank you to them all for providing these opportunities for our learners.


A little reminder as we approach the end of term…we break up from school on Thursday 28th March at 1.30pm for all year groups.


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party- with this week being my final Friday Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious Easter themed chocolate cakes supplied by Mrs Cargill, thank you! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Peyton

YR: Charlie

Y1: Kai

Y2: TJ

Y3: Ethan

Y4: Baran

Y5: Pippa

Y6: Bethany

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Riley - Solve

YR: Ellis - Stretch

Y1: Albie - Grow

Y2: Bella - Stretch

Y3: Darcey - Think

Y4: Freddie - Stretch

Y5: Ephraim - Risk

Y6: Uzma - Stretch

Phil’s question this week was: “What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you? Explain…” A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.


Josh Y5- “The scariest thing that happened to me was when I was walking by myself in pitch black.”


Kane YR- “Is when I was on my own.”


Elijah Y6- “I was on a plane and it had mega turbulence, it had to go around 6 times.”

I hope that you all have a great weekend!


Ben Conway

Friday 15th March 2024


This week has been British Science Week, and at Shephalbury Park we have marked the occasion with our annual STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) week across the school. We kicked off the week with a whole school assembly led by our friends from Unilever, telling us a bit about what they do and conducting some experiments for us all to see. This was followed up by some CSI workshops in UKS2.

Then throughout the week we have seen all classes engage in a range of learning opportunities within the different areas of focus. This has included learning how to use Micro:Bits for different projects, building water clocks for different purposes and creating some cyanotype photography.


Micro:Bits are small controllable devices that can be programmed using codes in different computer software. Learners have been using them to create flashing hearts, make an EMG and to test the amount of moisture in soil.

Each phase water clocks for different purposes:


Cyanotype photography is a camera-less technique that involves laying an object on paper coated with a solution of iron salts before exposing it to UV light and washing with water to create stunning white and blue images.

A huge thank you to the teachers, staff and leaders who have planned and facilitated a fantastic and informative learning experience across the school.


I attended the FSOP Summer Fete planning meeting earlier this week, where dates and ideas were discussed amongst the group. They will communicate their ideas, dates and plans with everyone in the near future.


Today we saw lots of Red Noses around the school in recognition of Comic Relief. Whilst we have chosen not to raise money this year for the charity, we of course support their mission and many other causes that they provide valuable funding for. If you would like more information regarding the charity or to donate online follow the link below:

Our learners should be bringing home notes from their teacher today to support their learning review meetings next week. I know that many of you have already signed up for time slot, if you haven’t already I would urge you to do so. This is an opportunity to discuss your child’s academic attainment and progress so far this year, learn about their effort and application in lessons and to find out how you may be able to further support their learning at home. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you have of the teacher.


When you come for your meeting, please enter school through the main entrance and come to the hall, where you will find your child’s books. Class teachers will come and get you from the hall when they are ready for your time slot. Learners are not expected to attend the meetings, other than our Year 6 cohort. We really value the opportunity to recognise and celebrate individual progress with our families, we look forward to welcoming you next week.

Our Year 3 & 4 football team played out a hard fought match earlier this week at Round Diamond. They performed very well and represented our school in a commendable way, but unfortunately came off losing 1 – 0. Let’s hope that our Year 5 & 6 team put in an equally creditable performance this afternoon against Giles Juniors.


I reported last week that we were very grateful for a grant and donations received from our community. I am pleased to say that thanks to another nomination from a parent were have received another grant. Anthony Noakes, nominated us for a Sainsbury’s community grant to support with the cost of food for our Porridge Pot and Tea Pot provisions. A huge thank you to him for supporting us in this way!


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious chocolate loaf cake supplied by Mr Haslett, thank you! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Eliza

YR: Hudson

Y1: Naayel

Y2: Sebastian

Y3: Florence

Y4: Kyla M

Y5: Joshua

Y6: George

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Noah - Create

YR: Louie - Think

Y1: Rebecca - Solve

Y2: Oliver - Solve

Y3: Louis - Think

Y4: Olivia - Create

Y5: Ethan - Solve

Y6: Ethan - Risk

Phil’s question this week was: “What do you think are the causes of poverty, and how can you help? Explain…” A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.


Kian Y6- “Gambling and other things that can lose you money rapidly, and there’s not enough support.”


Roylean Y6- “The causes of poverty are unemployment and low paid jobs. We can help by providing clean water, education, increase household income, food and other things.”


Leanna Y6- “The causes are that countries are going to war, which uses money. We can help by donating to charities that support.”


Charlie Y4- “Not getting a job, having low money, unhappy with other people at their job or not well enough to do their job. Help by raising and donating money and food.”

There were 3 Headteacher’s Awards handed out this week for some excellent work across the curriculum.


First up was Hudson (YR) for his excellent independent writing. Now Hudson is a bit of a fan of motorbikes and during exploring time earlier this week, he wrote about the bike that he had made out of bricks at school and how to fix it if he broke! Brilliant work Hudson!


Next was another learner from Reception, Louie, who worked really hard on his STEAM week project. Louie built a sand timer, using bottles and sand, but was struggling as the sand went too quickly from bottle to bottle. He persevered during the week, coming up with different strategies to slow the flow of sand and make his timer last longer. Louie was determined and resourceful, and was a very deserving recipient of a Headteacher’s Award…great work Louie!


Finally was Emily (Y3) who has been mastering something which many of us can find challenging…fractions. Year 3 have been learning about unit fractions and comparing them this week to see which is larger, smaller and putting them in order. Emily has done a fantastic job, and today completed the 1, 2 & 3 star challenges. A fantastic achievement…well done Emily!

I hope that you all have a great weekend!


Ben Conway

Friday 8th March 2024

The end of another busy week at Shephalbury Park, and today we marked two annual events within school. Today is International Women’s Day, recognised each year around the world:


‘International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality.


IWD has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organization specific.’

We recognised the day by having an inspirational women’s treasure hunt around the playground for classes to engage in throughout the day, and by learners and staff sharing books by or about inspirational women.


I have seen many copies of Harry Potter around the school, as JK Rowling has demonstrated herself to be a truly celebrated author. I was fortunate enough to share one of my favourite books with our Reception class this morning. Not only is it written by a generational female author, Julia Donaldson, it is quite specifically about the relationship between a little girl and her mother and is –and has been- one of my daughter’s favourite books since she was very small. Paper Dolls tells of the adventure of a little girl with her paper dolls in her imaginary world- if you haven’t read it, I would encourage you to share it with your children at home.


We all recognise the importance of books and literature in our lives, and despite the ever changing world around us, books, stories and reading are one of the constants that will always be with us. Reading itself is a ‘gateway skill’, which opens up opportunities and access into a whole new world of information and opportunity.

This weekend sees many people recognise Mothers’ or significant others’ day on Sunday. We have marked this occasion in school with our annual Breakfast for Reception Mums and significant others and will be doing the same for Nursery on Monday. A big thank you to those who took the time to attend- we hope that you enjoyed your breakfast!


You may remember that we were successful in being chosen for the Tesco Stronger Starts grant scheme. I know that many Shephalbury Park community members were hoarding blue tokens and voting for our cause – the creation of a sensory garden space. I am pleased to let everyone know that we were the most voted for in our round of funding, meaning that we will be receiving a £1500 grant as a result. This is great news, and will go a long way to creating a lovely space for our community. Thank you to everyone who voted for us!


In addition to this, I would like to extend a special thanks to Stacy Smith, who has also been raising money for us. Through a raffle and online donations, Stacy raised a brilliant total of £704 which will supplement our sensory garden space.


Some more thanks, and a goodbye to let you all know about. Mrs Smith will be leaving us today having joined us in November 2020. Over the last 3 and a half years, Mrs Smith has contributed a lot to our learners and staff team across the school. We will be sad to see her go, but wish her the best of luck in her new role as a teaching assistant at Roebuck Academy.

Some brilliant sports news to share with you all…our Year 5 netball team competed in an away match earlier this week at Almond Hill. I understand it was a close fought match, but our girls came out victorious, with a 4 – 1 victory. A huge well done to them all!


Following on from last week’s AGM, The FOSP are now setting the wheels in motion in planning for the summer fete. They will be holding a planning meeting this coming Wednesday 13th March at 3.15pm at school for anyone interested in contributing in any way. Your attendance and support will be very much appreciated…please remember that the collective success of events like this relies on the help and support of volunteers from across our community.

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious yum yums!! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Orla

YR: Chester

Y1: Molly

Y2: Ethan

Y3: Isabella

Y4: Leo

Y5: Ini

Y6: Elijah

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Linda - Think

YR: Ollie - Create

Y1: Maison - Think

Y2: William - Think

Y3: Poppy - Think

Y4: Lillyanna - Stretch

Y5: Roma - Think

Y6: Amelia - Solve

Phil’s question this week was: “What is the most important thing in your life? Explain…” A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.


Emmie Y6- “My Dad because of the amount of things that he has been through, but he still tries his best for me.”


Ralph Y2- “Food and water.”


Mina Y5- “The most important things in my life are my family and friends as they help me, encourage me and care for me.”


Florence Y3- “My best friend.”


There were 4 Headteacher’s Awards handed out this week for some excellent work across the curriculum.


Seth (Y6) was first up this week, being awarded his Headteacher’s Award for his mastery of ratio in maths. Ratio can be a tricky concept to grasp for many, and in the primary curriculum it isn’t taught until learners reach Year 6. Seth was able to really articulate his learning to me with clarity, describing how he had scaled measures to calculate the lengths of sides on an isosceles triangle. Super work Seth…keep it up!


Next were two of our Year 1 learners, also for some fabulous maths work. Both Yasmina and Lola developed a strong understanding of the ‘cup and counter’ method to support their understanding of multiplication. Both girls were able to effectively use the manipulatives to support them in calculating the answers to the problems independently. Awesome work!


My final award this week went to Ephraim (Y5) for his excellent work in WRE. Whilst learning about the 4 gospels, Ephraim was able to recount lots of information and articulate and describe it really clearly to me…did you know that the word gospel comes from the Anglo-Saxon term gods spell which means good news!

I hope that you all have a great weekend!


Ben Conway

Friday 1st March 2024

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring term at Shephalbury Park, I hope that everyone had a relaxing week with their families!


We kicked off the week with another special visitor, Bart Gee:

Bart was born with a rare physical disability called Arthrogryposis which means that he has weak muscles and stiff joints.  After Bart was born, doctors said he would never walk and may not ever have the strength to be able to sit up independently, and he would have a bleak outlook to life. However he has overcome many of the barriers in his life to achieve many great things.


He came to school to share his story and the belief that anything is possible!


Bart amazed us with his piano playing in assembly and we all had a turn at understanding some of the difficulties Bart faces on a day to day basis.


Another hugely inspirational visitor to our school!

Bart Gee's Story

Breaking Limits - Turning Disability Into Possibility - Bart's Story Breaking Limits - Bart Gee (Arthrogryposis) E: W:

Last night I attended the Friends of Shephalbury Park AGM. Throughout my time at Shephalbury Park, it was one of my ambitions to re-establish a PTFA to benefit the whole community. It was great to hear how far they have come as a group and what they have achieved since the start of the 2022-23 academic year.


There is much hard work that happens behind the scenes at all hours of the day…registrations, bank accounts, risk assessments, funding applications, collecting donations and this is all before putting on any of the events. As with all voluntary organisations, much of this can seem like a thankless task and is hidden to those who just enjoy and attend the events.


It has been brilliant to see them grow and develop over time, providing some fantastic events for our learners and wider community, as well as raising a fantastic amount of money.


In the last academic year, through the various discos, egg hunt, colouring competitions and amazing summer fete, the FOSP raised £2,383.05…a fantastic achievement. A huge thank you to those members who have served in positions on the committee until now and good luck to those who have been voted on for the next term of office. Also a big thank you to the volunteers, for the donations and for attending the events that have taken place so far.


I am sure that they will communicate the new committee and upcoming dates with you all soon!

We closed off the week today with another brilliant WRE learning day all around the theme of creation and where do we come from?


We kicked off with an assembly and the very aptly chosen Louis Armstrong song ‘What a Wonderful World’. Year groups then went off and investigated the creation stories from different world religions to understand others and help form their own opinion of creation. We then shared our learning with each other later in the day and recorded what we believed about creation.


A big thank you to Mrs Spiller for setting up the day and all of our staff for facilitating the learning opportunities throughout the day.

Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (Official Video)

Louis Armstrong "What A Wonderful World" official music video.

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious cupcakes!! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Charlie

YR: Charlie

Y1: Henry

Y2: Sonny

Y3: Isabella

Y4: Tommy

Y5: Ethan

Y6: Caleb

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Lois - Think

YR: Lily - Grow

Y1: Archie - Create

Y2: Lillee - Create

Y3: Florence - Think

Y4: Mckenzie - Solve

Y5: Sofia - Solve

Y6: Jamila - Solve

There were 3 Headteacher’s Awards handed out this week for some excellent work across the curriculum.


The first award went to Isla D (Y1) for her work in maths this week. Year 1 have moved on to counting amounts in 10s, and Isla demonstrated her skills and knowledge in this area independently to Mrs Cargill incredibly well. She worked with confidence and achieved all 3 challenges that were set for the class. Great work Isla!


The next award was also for maths in Year 2, and it went to Melissa G. Year 2 have been working on developing their knowledge and understanding of multiplication and division, which as we all know can be tricky to get our heads around! But Melissa has been a fantastic Shephalbury Learner and completed the 3 star challenges independently. An excellent start to this half term Melissa, well done!


Finally was Harry (Y1) for his determination to continue his learning at home. KS1 have were learning about the geography of London before half term and are moving on to learning about The Great Fire of London in history this half term. During half term, Harry has completed much pre-learning by visiting Pudding Lane, climbing The Monument and creating a puppet theatre and show about the fire. A super commitment to being a Shephalbury Learner Harry…Keep it up!

I hope that you all have a great weekend!


Ben Conway

Friday 16th February 2024

As we reach the end of this half term, it has been another jam packed week at Shephalbury Park!


We opened the final week of this half term with an assembly marking International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which is an annual observance that celebrates the achievements and contributions of women and girls in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This day recognises the importance of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in the scientific community.


International Day of Women and Girls in Science is observed on February 11th each year. This date was chosen to honour the birthday of Marie Curie, a pioneering physicist and chemist who made ground breaking contributions to the fields of radioactivity and nuclear physics. Marie Curie remains an inspirational figure for women in science.


Please see below for the assembly that was shared with the school:

On Friday, 8th of March, we will be celebrating World Book Day at Shephalbury Park. As this day coincides with International Women’s Day, the theme for which is ‘Inspire Inclusion’, we are inviting children to bring in a book to share with their class which either features an inspirational female character or is about a female who has strived to achieve inclusion.


During our World Book Day celebrations, children will have the opportunity to share their books and take part in activities during break and lunch time. Children should wear their school uniform to school on this day. When we return from half-term, children will bring home a World Book Day Book Token which can be used to purchase one of the special World Book Day books or as a discount against the purchase of another book.


Further information about World Book Day and the book tokens can be found here: World Book Day - World Book Day | World Book Day is a registered charity. Our mission is to give every child and young person a book of their own.


Further information about International Women’s Day can be found here: International Women's Day 2024 (


This week we welcomed a new member of staff to our team, Mrs Evans has joined our support staff team and will be working with learners across the school. I know that you will all join me in welcoming her to our school community.


You may have spotted Mrs Levy back in school over the last few weeks as she has been coming to the end of her maternity leave. We are pleased to be welcoming her back to re-join us Mondays to Wednesdays after the half term break.


Someone who is leaving us today is Mr Rahman, who has been developing his teaching practice in Reception over the course of this half term. Mr Rahman will be returning to his ‘home’ school to complete his training and qualify as a teacher. We wish him the best of luck and thank him for his commitment during his time with us.


It has been a sporty week at Shephalbury Park, with two football matches, a badminton festival and sports hall athletics taking place.


On Monday, our Year 3 & 4 football team were successful in securing a 1 – 0 victory in some pretty muddy and damp conditions. Well done to them!


We sent some willing Year 5 athletes to participate in a badminton workshop with Mrs McKenzie on Wednesday this week. They all had a great time developing their racket skills and representing our school.


On Thursday, Mr Klein and I accompanied a large team of athletes to participate in the Stevenage sports hall athletics competition at Barnwell. We were in the third of 3 heats and facilitated as many athletes as possible having a chance to participate in some inter-school competition. Everyone tried their best, against some tough opposition, and represented the school with pride.


Finally, this afternoon, our Year 5 & 6 football team are taking on Codicote. At the time of writing we are awaiting the outcome, but no doubt they will try their best and give it their all!

On Tuesday, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Dean and Phil Good held their Golden Moment for all of our golden ticket winners from this half term. They were lucky to be treated to some delicious smores – melted chocolate and marshamallows sandwiched between biscuits. They were very yummy, and very messy!

We ended our week with a fantastic sharing assembly from our Year 4 Shephalbury Learners, who spoke, sang and danced magnificently well. As many adults will testify, standing up in front of a room full of people can be a daunting task, but every single person did a fantastic job. A huge well done to them all, and thank you to Miss Cordner and Mrs Bond for putting everything together.

As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious Valentines themed biscuits made by Mrs McKenzie, thank you!! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Camden

YR: Theo

Y1: Emily

Y2: Felicity B

Y3: Flynn

Y4: Violet

Y5: Emilia

Y6: Phoebe

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Lois - Reflect

YR: Grayson - Grow

Y1: Leo - Create

Y2: Georgi - Stretch

Y3: Charlie - Reflect

Y4: Max - Create

Y5: Mina - Grow

Y6: Caleb - Reflect

Phil’s question this week was: “What does love feel like? Explain…” A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.


Isabelle Y2- “It feels like positive thoughts are swirling all around me.”


Skylar Y3- “Funny in your tummy.”


Maia Y5- “Love feels happy because you know someone cares for you and loves you, and you feel safe because they will protect you if they love you.”


Ephraim Y5- “Love can feel warm when you’re being kind to someone, playing with your friends nicely and looking after your family members.”

There were 5 Headteacher’s Awards handed out this week for some excellent work across the curriculum.


The first 3 wen to some of our oldest learners in Year 6 for their excellent persuasive writing. Based on the Greenpeace short film and information ‘Rang-tan’, our learners wrote at length regarding the use of palm oil and the impact on the wildlife in these areas of huge deforestation. Kingsley, Melody and Ethan all expertly wove facts and information into their highly persuasive texts encouraging us not to use products which contain palm oil. Super writing from all 3 of you…well done!

Next up was Albert (Y2) for some exceptionally good maths work this week. Year 2 have been working on their doubling and halving skills this week, and Albert has excelled! He worked incredibly hard to complete his tasks independently and could explain his methodology for solving all of the problems really clearly. Brilliant work Albert!


Last up for this week, and this half term, was Poppy (Y3) for her fantastic knowledge and skills in geography this week. Year 3 have been developing their understanding of human and physical features on maps, and using this to investigate our local area. Poppy could explain the difference between each and describe what she found in each category within our town. Amazing geography skills Poppy, well done!

I hope that you all enjoy a restful half term and look forward to seeing you back on Monday 19th February ready and raring to go!


Ben Conway

Friday 9th February 2024


As the weeks fly by, we find ourselves rattling towards half term at quite a rate. There has been loads of engaging and exciting learning taking place across the school. From Chinese lanterns in Reception to flat breads in Year 4, our learners are gaining valuable experiences, developing their skills and deepening their broad knowledge across the whole curriculum.


This week has been Mental Health Awareness Week across the school, where we have shared the key message of ‘My Voice Matters’. There have been a range of activities and opportunities for learners to support their own and improve their mental health awareness and understanding. A big thank you to Mrs Dean and Mrs McKenzie for planning these for our learners.


If you haven’t yet accessed some of the additional resources for home, you can do so via the link below:

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Uploaded by Stevenage Borough Council on 2024-02-07.

This weekend sees people around the world celebrating Lunar New Year, as we enter the Year of the Dragon. We wish anyone who is celebrating a happy and prosperous new year.

Lunar New Year 2024: The year of the Dragon 🐉 | Newsround

Newsround #lunarnewyear #dragon #lunarnewyear2024 Welcome to the official BBC Newsround YouTube channel. Subscribe here ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ For daily news bulletins visit BBC iPlayer ➡️ Happy Lunar New Year 2024! Lunar New Year is celebrated at the start of a new moon, because of this the date always changes.

Last Saturday morning I accompanied team Shephalbury Park at the Herts County Cross Country Championships at a chilly St Margarets School in Bushey. There was a buzz of excitement for all of the entrants, and each of our team represented our school fantastically well. It was a mixed course, running on the field and through some undulating woodland, and each of our competitors pushed themselves all the way to the end.


A huge well done to Joshua, Lilly, Maia, George, Kingsley and Ben for competing so well. Special mentions and congratulations to Phoebe and Pippa, who finished 24th and 28th respectively in their races!

Our Year 6 netball team also competed this week in a match against Codicote. Unfortunately, their coach, Mrs McKenzie, was absent due to illness, but Mrs Dean and I stepped in to be the match managers. Our team definitely didn’t disappoint, and they did their absent coach proud, pulling off an extremely dominant performance in winning 13-3. This is quite possibly their best performance to date and the result of lots of hard work in their regular training sessions. Well done to the whole team!


This afternoon FOSP will be hosting their ‘Friendship Disco’, I am sure that we are still boogying away whilst you are reading this! A big thank you to everyone who has helped to organise and volunteer to ensure that the event runs smoothly.

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious Lunar New Year inspired cupcakes provided by Mrs Lee, thank you!! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Cooper

YR: Leo

Y1: Isla D

Y2: Phoebe

Y3: Alys

Y4: Charlie

Y5: Sofia

Y6: Bella

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Orla - Stretch

YR: Mollie - Grow

Y1: Harry - Think

Y2: Melissa - Reflect

Y3: Alys - Grow

Y4: Emma - Think

Y5: Oscar - Grow

Y6: Roylean - Grow

Phil’s question this week was: “How do you use your voice to make a difference?” A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.


Matilda (YR)- “Tell people how you are feeling if you are upset.”


Isabella (Y3)- “Speak up or see Mrs McKenzie.”


Roma (Y5)- “I can use my voice to say good things, stand up for my rights and say good things to help people.”

A couple of Headteacher’s Awards this week to mention. First of all this week was Mollie (YR) who has been developing and applying her writing skills. During exploring time, Mollie created, wrote and illustrated her own book independently, applying her phonic knowledge. A fantastic effort Mollie…well done!


My second award this week was for some more excellent writing, but this time in Year 1. Archie used his phonic knowledge to segment words and write his own sentences using the subordinating conjunction ‘because’. Some brilliant work Archie…keep it up!

I just wanted to end by passing on my gratitude to those people have shared kind words with me following the announcement of my leaving at the end of this term. I have had lots of discussions with learners across the school about it this week, and I have heard some very interesting thoughts around how they think the new headteacher should be decided…I will pass their ideas on to governors.


I hope that you all enjoy the weekend see you all next week!


Ben Conway

Friday 2nd February 2024


A clearer end to the week and the end to what has felt like, to many, the end to a very long January. As always at this time of the year, people revisiting the ‘resolutions’ or ‘changes’ that they had suggested that they would make at New Year, and considered whether they are long term or short term changes that will last. As I have always said, impactful changes in our lives happen when we make tweaks and adaptations, as opposed to major overhauls. Just like learning, there is a clear journey and process behind our continual strive to improve ourselves. But as ever, there are many bumps in the road and obstacles that present themselves, but the support that is available to us all will enable us to meet our goals.

As the evenings are getting a little lighter, we have seen a return to sporting fixtures during this week. Our Year 5 & 6 football team were successful in their away match against Fairlands on Monday of this week, well done to them!


On the same day our Year 6 netball team hosted Round Diamond for their match up, but unfortunately they weren’t successful. At the time of writing the Year 3 & 4 football result is yet to be confirmed, but as I know with all of our teams, I am sure that they demonstrated the values of Shephalbury Park and represented us very well.


On Saturday this week, we have a team of Year 5 & 6 runners who will be competing in the annual Hertfordshire Cross Country Championships, which are being held in Bushey this year. They will be covering a mile long course over a mix of terrain in a field of runners drawn from across all other Hertfordshire schools. I look forward to seeing them compete and will share news of their endeavours next week.


Our Green Kestrels house team celebrated their success from last term today by wearing their own clothes. Congratulations to everyone in Kestrels on your hard work and effort last term. Already this term the other house teams have ‘pulled up their socks’ and are working hard to usurp the current champions from last term.


Next week is Children’s Mental Health Week:

Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 will take place from 5th-11th February. Place2Be launched the mental health awareness week in 2015 to empower, equip and give a voice to every child in the UK.


Every year Children’s Mental Health Week sees hundreds of schools, children, parents and carers taking part. Now in its 10th year, we hope to encourage more people than ever to help us reach our goal that no child or young person has to face a mental health problem alone.


Each year, we create free resources so that as many people as possible can take part. 


This year's theme is 'My Voice Matters'


During Children’s Mental Health Week we want all children and young people, whoever they are, and wherever they are in the world, to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters”.


My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves.


When we feel empowered, this can have a positive impact on our wellbeing. Children and young people who feel that their voices are heard and can make a difference have a greater sense of community and self-esteem. This year, we want children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be empowered to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing.


During Children’s Mental Health Week we want all children and young people, whoever they are, and wherever they are in the world, to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters”.


There will be activities and events happening in school throughout next week. If you would like some more information or resources to support your children with their learning about this at home, please follow the link below:

Please see details below regarding the upcoming ‘Friendship Disco’ on Friday 9th February:

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some delicious cupcakes provided by Mrs Ashby, thank you!! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Annabelle

YR: Dylan

Y1: Elara

Y2: Teddy

Y3: Finley

Y4: Emily

Y5: Mayson

Y6: Melody

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Aaira - Stretch

YR: Theo - Stretch

Y1: Sofia - Stretch

Y2: Ralph - Create

Y3: Ronnie - Grow

Y4: Max - Grow

Y5: William - Stretch

Y6: Anjolaoluwa - Reflect

Phil’s question this week was: “What can you teach other people?” Mrs McKenzie and Phil were very impressed by the range of thoughtful answers that people had provided! A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.


Taylor (Y1)- “To do their coat up.”


Beau (YR)- “I can teach my brother to ride his bike.”


Lola (Y1)- “Learning- capital letters, full stops and capitals for names.”


Jessica (Y4)- “How to be kind and caring to others and not be rude. You can also teach them to use words and not violence.”

Another bumper week for Headteacher’s Awards this week!


The first award went to one of youngest Shephalbury learners in Nursery, Esme. She persevered incredibly well when deciding to create a split pin model of a dog. She brought it to me showing me how proud she was, and demonstrating how it worked. I especially liked the waggly tail that she had added. This was a fantastic independent feat of perseverance and creativity. Well done Esme!

Next was a learner from Reception, Hiba for her independent application of phonics during exploring time. Hiba has been working really hard in phonics recently and decided that she wanted to use her exploring time to make her own book version of Cinderella. She illustrated it and added words using her knowledge to each page. Super work Hiba!

Next in was some wonderful WRE work from Year 4. Learners in Year 4 have been looking at the different pilgrimages of people from a range of world religions. Steffen was highly engaged in the subject matter and could describe those made by Jews, Christians and Muslims from around the World. Great work Steffen…keep it up!

My final three awards this week went to learners in Year 3, who have had a grammar focus in their developmental writing this week. We all know that the punctuation of speech is critical in our creative writing, yet it also something which can prove tricky to master. This week, however, Ronnie, Elliot and Elijah have made brilliant progress with their understanding and independent application of the features of speech. Amazing stuff boys…well done!

Before I close my blog this week I want to follow up on the letter that you will have received from our Governors earlier today. My departure at the end of this term leaves me with mixed emotions. I am extremely proud of what we have achieved together during my time at Shephalbury Park, through COVID and beyond. This is a special school that really gets inside you as a person and I have enjoyed every minute of my tenure as the leader of this fantastic school. The learners, staff and wider community have been wonderful throughout my time here and I will truly miss many people and many aspects of life at Shephalbury Park.


I am also very excited to be moving on to another role that will provide me with much professional challenge, as well as personal growth. As I move on, I will hold the attributes of the Shephalbury Learner close, applying them to my ongoing work in enriching the educational opportunities for learners in schools in Hertfordshire.


I know that I am leaving the school in some very capable hands, with Mrs Cropley, Mrs Dean and the rest of the amazing staff team, and trust that you will show them the same trust and support that you have shown me during this period of transition.


I hope that you all enjoy the weekend see you all next week!


Ben Conway

Friday 26th January 2024


We have reached the half way point of this half term, and the learning focus around the school has really impressed me this week. This has been demonstrated in all classes, with some fantastic examples of the independent application of learning in my Headteacher’s Awards this week.


I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to regularly drop into lessons in all year groups, seeing how engaged and proactive everyone is as a Shephalbury learner. This is all due to the hard work of our staff, who are continuously developing engaging and exciting learning opportunities for all of our classes. Thank you to them, and a huge thank you to our Shephalbury learners for showing a growth mind set and working hard!

This week we welcomed Mrs Levy back to school for a keeping in touch day as she nears her return from maternity leave. It was great to see her settle back in to our staff team as if she’d never been away. We look forward to her full return after halt term.


Our House Champions from last term are yet to have received their prize…next Friday 2nd February will be a non-uniform day for anyone in Green Kestrels. Please ensure that clothing and footwear is appropriate for a regular day at school.


You may remember our cake sale during December, where our School Council, led by Mrs Mutch, were raising valuable funds for the Children’s Ward at The Lister Hospital. This week Mrs Mutch and our Year 5 & 6 Councillors visited the hospital to hand over a cheque and find out a bit more about how and where your donations will be used.


“We met one of the play specialists who showed us the play room and all of the things that they had fundraised for. 


They also discussed future projects and how we could get involved to support The Magic of Play project in the future. Stacey commented on how well behaved the children were and how grateful they were for our kind donation.”


A big thank you to everyone who donated to such a fantastic cause!

Please see details below regarding the upcoming ‘Friendship Disco’ on Friday 9th February:

The FOSP will also be holding their AGM during February and would really value the input and support of anyone else wishing to contribute.

‘The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Friends of Shephalbury Park PTFA to be held on 29th February. It will be held in the school hall from 7pm. 


The PTFA (parent, teacher & friends association) plays a vital part in the school community and all parents, guardians & carers, as automatic members of the PTFA, are invited to support the AGM.


The agenda will include:

  • What a PTFA is
  • Chairs report (Our achievements, events, and goals)
  • Treasurers report
  • How you can help the PTFA
  • Elect new committee


The AGM is also an opportunity for you to elect the PTFA Committee, who represent the association throughout the forthcoming year. Nominations should be sent in advance of the AGM for anyone wishing to stand as a Committee Member, for the first time. Existing committee members wishing to stand for re-election do not have to be nominated again but should inform the PTA of their intention to stay in their role.


If you would like any further information about being a Committee Member, please email us to arrange a chat at


Please complete this form if you would like to put yourself forward for nomination - This form must be completed no later than 27th February.


We look forward to seeing you on 29th February’

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some yummy treats provided by Mr Haslett, thank you!! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Anisia

YR: Levi

Y1: Isla K

Y2: Jaxson

Y3: Ronnie

Y4: Hannah

Y5: Lilly

Y6: Seth

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Eliza - Grow

YR: Charlie - Create

Y1: Dominic - Grow

Y2: Oliver - Grow

Y3: Elliot - Create

Y4: Zaki - Think

Y5: Freddie - Risk

Y6: Lacey - Grow

Phil’s question this week was: “Should every child have a television in their bedroom?” Mrs McKenzie and Phil were surprised that the majority of of responses indicated that they shouldn’t have televisions in their rooms! A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.

A bumper week for Headteacher’s Awards this week, especially in Year 1 where 3 of our Shephalbury learners have been recognised.


The first award this week went to Sofia (Y1), who has been really engaged in their Geography theme this term of London. The class were tasked with producing an observational drawing of a key London landmark and writing something about it. Sofia chose one of the most traditional landmarks in the Tower of London, and what a great job she has done. Super work Sofia...well done!


My second award went to Harry (also Y1) for his work in English this week. Year 1 have been busy innovating their focus text of ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ and coming up with their own themes and characters. Harry is creating his own version named ‘Chimpanzees Can’t Swim’, and worked really hard to effectively use adverbs in his writing. Amazing Harry…keep it up!

This weekend sees the RSPB’s annual ‘Big Garden Birdwatch’ and birdwatching fever has hit our EYFS learners. They have been making and hanging feeders, secreting themselves into quiet positions around school with binoculars and going on bird walks out and about in our grounds. Alongside all of this, there have been many independent activities that learners have selected for themselves in the classroom, including a bird labelling activity. Charlotte (YR) did amazingly well to use her phonics when labelling each part of a robin. A fantastic achievement…well done!


Another learner working hard on improving their writing this week has been Henry F (Y3), who has developed his understanding and use of commas. When writing about Lazy Jack, Henry independently used commas as a part of his list, placing them in the correct position. Super writing Henry!


And my final award went to John-Boy (another Y1 learner) for his brilliant Science work. Year 1 have been looking at classifying animals depending on their diet- using the key groupings of carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. John-Boy worked independently to group these animals correctly and could explain his reasoning behind them. Amazing John-Boy…well done!

I hope that you all enjoy the weekend see you all next week!


Ben Conway

Friday 19th January 2024


An even colder end to this week, and we are all hoping that it warms up a little over the weekend!


I attended, and spoke at, a conference this week which focused on how education establishments are working hard to provide the best for our underserved learners and their families. The conference was opened by the highly inspirational Lemn Sissay, whose powerful story of his own upbringing and journey to find his own identity enthralled everyone listening.


Throughout the day there were sessions sharing good practice, practical ideas for schools and other engaging accounts of the difference that education and educators can make in the lives of all children. There was much to take from the day, and I was privileged to be able to share with the delegates lots of the good practice that is implemented at Shephalbury Park on a daily basis.


As I have said many times before, our school is a place where each and every learner is placed at the heart of what we do. We take a holistic approach in supporting and developing everyone, and much of that is built on the foundation of our positive relationships with our families. When reflecting on the content that I engaged with this week, it confirmed to me that in life there are many ups and downs, many of them hidden. At Shephalbury Park we really do endeavour to do our very best to support our learners and families in these times, we are always here.

You will hopefully have received an email from The FOSP yesterday regarding the upcoming ‘Friendship Disco’ on Friday 9th February. More details can be seen below:

The applications for Reception places to begin in September 2024 has now passed, however we are still conducting tours and accepting applications for Nursery places beginning in September. Our Nursery provision offers 30 hours placements and provides our youngest Shephalbury Learners with a great start to their journey through our school. If you, or anyone that you know are looking for a place, please contact the school office and arrange a tour.


It was great to see our new set of extra-curricular clubs beginning this week. We try and accommodate a wide range of interests and make the clubs as affordable as we can for all. If you would like to make any alternative suggestions to the activities on offer, please ask your child to share them with their school council representatives (or you can forward them to the office).


Please remember that we have a stock of coats and uniform if you are short of anything that you may need, and The Store will be stocked with daily staples for those who may need them. If you feel like you would like some advice or extra support, please  feel free to contact Mrs Dean or Mrs McKenzie in confidence, and they will be able to support or signpost you to further avenues of support should you need it.


Now onto our celebrations...


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some tasty chocolate chip muffins! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Iustin

YR: Roco

Y1: Arthur

Y2: Albert

Y3: George

Y4: Alfie B

Y5: Sereny

Y6: Melisa

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Elena - Grow

YR: Hiba - Stretch

Y1: Yasmina - Stretch

Y2: Katalea - Grow

Y3: Louis - Reflect

Y4: Jessica - Risk

Y5: Joshua - Think

Y6: Elijah - Solve

This week’s question was an one: ‘If you won a million pounds, what would you spend it on?’ I had a long conversation over lunch with some of our Year 5 & 6 learners this week discussing this question. There were some interesting suggestions, but the most heartening responses from many of them was their desire to buy things for others and contribute to charity.


Maia Y5- ‘If I had won a million pounds I would use some of the money to give to the poor and to charity. I would give some money to my family so they can pay rent and bills easier, some to my gymnastics club to get more apparatus and some to my friends.’


George Y3- ‘Give half to charity and buy a new laptop for my mum.’


Theo YR- ‘I would buy a lawnmower with a pull handle.’


Viktor Y6- ‘First I would sell all of my furniture and buy new furniture. Second I would buy a Meta Quest 3 and a laptop for work. Third I would invest my money to try and make more money.’



Just like in the first week back, I have awarded 2 fantastic Shephalbury Learners with Headteacher’s awards.


The first went to Roylean (Y6) who has only been with us since the beginning of November. It is never easy starting somewhere new, but Roylean is really growing as a Shephalbury learner, and this week has demonstrated this in her English work. She has grasped the use of fronted adverbials and included them in her writing about the Dreamgiver. Well done Roylean, a great start to 2024!


My second award was for Imogen (Y3) for some excellent work in maths. Year 3 have been looking at the relationships between multiplication facts and division facts, ensuring that they are linking their learning (in maths terms they have been looking at commutativity and inverse operations). Imogen worked independently starting with the 2 star challenge and progressing through the 3 star challenge as well. Some fantastic progress and demonstrating of our Shephalbury learner attributes. Great work Imogen!

All that leaves me to say is I hope that you have a great weekend, see you all on Monday.


Ben Conway

Friday 12th January 2024


Welcome back to Shephalbury Park as we enter 2024! I hope that everyone was able to enjoy some relaxing time with friends and family over the Christmas break. As always, this time of year is often filled with mixed emotions for many of us…the anticipation of what we will do ‘differently’ or ‘better’ this year with a New Year’s resolution, but also the impact of ‘The January Blues’. These are things which we know affect many of us and in turn can impact on our children. I have included a link below with some useful hints and tips in how we can support ourselves.

We certainly kicked off 2024 with a bang on Monday, with the visit of Electric Umbrella. They are an incredible organisation based in Hertfordshire, working with people with learning disabilities:


‘At Electric Umbrella we create amazing, live interactive music experiences with learning disabled people. And when our superstars take to the stage, they help change the way the world looks at them - and others.


When you’re part of Electric Umbrella, the stage is always set, the lights are bright, and the show is always on. Everyone in our community has the opportunity to work with professional musicians, to co-produce extraordinary performances.


Our community of more than 2,000 people take part in a range of co-created sessions with our brilliant pro-musicians, which are free to attend. These include EUTV, Open Mic nights, our Singalongs, and the Breakfast Club. Many also choose to become paid Electric Umbrella members, enjoying our programme of small, personalised workshops. And when we come together, the power of performance comes to life spectacularly through our Big Yellow Choir, music albums, live shows, festivals and tours in front of tens of thousands of people each year! 


We also deliver specialist live music experiences for hundreds of SEN schools across the UK, and offer mainstream schools unique tour visits with our member ambassadors, all part of our mission to make the world a little more, ‘Electric Umbrella’.   

Music can have a magical, inspiring impact, and yes, it really does change the lives of those in our community. We are helping to combat social isolation, but it’s about far more than that. 


At Electric Umbrella it is about achieving extraordinary things together - the performance of your life.’


Classes from Reception to Year 6 participated in a brilliant group workshop in the morning, learning songs, dances and the Electric Umbrella notion of ‘There is no such thing as normal!’. In the afternoon, Years 5 & 6 participated in a smaller group workshop focusing on looking at the positive individualities that we all have.


It really was a brilliant way for us to learn more about and understand ourselves and others who may have learning disabilities, in an interactive and fun way. I am also told that Electric Umbrella are performing at Glastonbury this year as well as a potential TV appearance in the offing…keep an eye on your TV for that!

Electric Umbrella

Still image for this video

On Wednesday this week, Year 4 participated in a fun and engaging healthy eating workshop led by Connor and Julia from Stevenage Sporting Futures. It was a great way for our learners to consolidate their thoughts and knowledge about what constitutes a healthy diet, and why it is important to consider the impact of what we put into our bodies.

Year 1 visited St Peter’s church on Thursday as a part of their WRE learning. They met with Rev. Kate and learnt what the different features were inside the church and why they were important to Christians.


Also on Thursday, our Year 5 learners begun their 3 terms of curriculum swimming lessons. I look forward to hearing about their progress towards becoming fish in the near future!


We finished the week with our incredible ‘Who am I?’ art exhibition, curated by Mrs Spiller. The exhibition displayed the art and learning from our most recent World View Day, where we looked at our individuality. It was fantastic to see a representation of art from every learner at school and great to be able to share it with our whole community.


Thank you to everyone who cam to view the art work, and a special thank you to our Shephalbury artists and MRs Spiller for putting it all together.


As we enter the new year I just wanted to pass on a couple of reminders to everybody to reinforce with their children at home:

  • Please ensure that your child is wearing black shoes/trainers with their uniform
  • Our Year 6 learners may wear their hoodies to school, provided that hoods are not up
  • Nail varnish and fake nails should not be worn in school at any time
  • Learners should not be wearing any jewellery to school- unless there is a religious purpose/significance for it- this includes bracelets, necklaces and rings
  • Learners should not be bringing in toys or fidget toys (unless agreed with school staff) from home to play with at play or lunch time
  • Smart watches which have cameras and games are not to be worn to school by learners
  • Learners with hair longer than shoulder length should have their hair tied up whilst at school
  • Please ensure that coats, hats, scarves and gloves are clearly labelled


If any of the undesired items listed above are seen or brought in by learners, they will be asked to give them to the class teacher until the end of the day. They will then be returned to the parents and reminded that they shouldn’t be in school.


As the weather has turned colder, and we are seeing a frost on the ground in the mornings, please take care when driving and walking around the side roads on the way to and from school. This includes once your children are on school grounds, we apply grit to strategic parts of our site to ensure safe access for all, not always across the entire playground. Whilst I love the enthusiasm to be at school, please ensure that your child is not sprinting across the playground once the gates are open as this could cause an injury to themselves and/or others.


Thank you in advance for your support with these.


Please remember that we have a stock of coats and uniform if you are short of anything that you may need, and The Store will be stocked with daily staples for those who may need them. If you feel like you would like some advice or extra support, please  feel free to contact Mrs Dean or Mrs McKenzie in confidence, and they will be able to support or signpost you to further avenues of support should you need it.


Now onto our first celebrations of 2024.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed a range of tasty treats provided by Mr Conway! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Riley

YR: George

Y1: Taylor

Y2:  Lewis

Y3: Alys

Y4: Jaden

Y5: Maia

Y6: Riley

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Aryan - Reflect

YR: Evan - Stretch

Y1: Kai - Create

Y2: Ryver - Create

Y3: Eleanor - Think

Y4: Mckenzie - Stretch

Y5: Harvey - Grow

Y6: Bethany - Grow

This week’s question was a great one to start the new year,: ‘What motivates you to succeed? Explain…’


Mia Y5- ‘I can’t do it yet motivates me because it tells me to carry on.’


Georgi Y2- ‘To succeed and get my black belt.’


In the first week back I have awarded 2 fantastic Shephalbury Learners with Headteacher’s awards. The first went to Isabella (Y3) for her brilliant independent work in maths. Year 3 have been refining their knowledge of division – a topic which can be tricky – and Isabella has really nailed her execution of a pictorial method to support her in independently solving problems. A great start to 2024 Isabella…well done!


My second award was for one of our newest Shephalbury learners. Baran (Y4) only joined us during the Autumn term from another school. As we all know, starting somewhere new can be a daunting prospect for anyone, but this week Baran has grown in confidence in class and is independently completing his learning using the support strategies that are there for everyone to use. A great start to life at Shephalbury Park Baran…keep it up!

All that leaves me to say is make sure that wrap up warm this weekend, see you all on Monday.


Ben Conway

Friday 15th December 2023


We are well and truly now on our countdown to the Christmas holidays…Shep has been causing more havoc around school, songs filling our corridors and preparations for our festive activities next week.


As well as Christmas being on the horizon, Jews around the world have been celebrating Hannukah over the last 8 days, sharing the miracle of light in their lives and hope for the future. Hannukah Sameach!

See below for a few reminders of next week’s activities:

Christmas Songs on the Stable: On Monday 18th December we would like to invite parents, carers and other family members to join us for some festive songs at the end of the day. Please arrive from 2.20pm and be prepared for all weather conditions!


Christmas Dinner and Festive Jumper day: Christmas dinner will be on Monday 18th December. On this day learners will be able to wear a festive jumper and/or t-shirt with their school uniform.


Pantomime: We are booked to take Years 1-6 to the Gordon Craig Theatre to watch their annual pantomime on Tuesday 19th December. Information and payment details have already been sent out in relation to this. We are aiming (traffic permitting) to be back at school for collection by 4:15pm.

On this day there will only be a school packed lunch on offer, with a choice of ham or cheese, or you may send in a home packed lunch if you wish. As they will not be attending the pantomime, learners in EYFS will be participating in a range of Christmas crafts at school.


Church Visit: On Wednesday 20th December the whole school will be attending St Peter’s Church to participate in a carol service held by Revd. Kate Sharples and her team.


The school term will end for everyone on Wednesday 20th December at 1:30pm.


The week kicked off with the Year 5 & 6 Christmas workshop. There were lots of fun filled activities which challenged our learner’s knowledge and understanding of the Christmas story. It was a highly engaging and enjoyable afternoon for all involved, thank you to Mrs Spiller for planning and leading the afternoon.

On Tuesday we welcomed visitors and grandparents for our ‘Let’s Connect’ event, where we invited members of our wider Shephalbury Park community to pay us a visit and engage in what is going on in school. Our visitors were treated to the dress rehearsal of the Wriggly Nativity, followed by some cakes and a chat with our EYFS learners. As always it was a lovely event and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Wednesday and Thursday this week, saw the return of an EYFS nativity to Shephalbury Park, after a few years without one. It was a very Wriggly Nativity that was performed brilliantly by everyone. The singing was spot on, as were the dance moves displayed by many of our youngest Shephalbury learners. A huge well done to all of our performers and a thank you to the many parents, grandparents, and family members who came to support performances!


Performances like this take an awful lot of planning, preparation and patience for the adults working in school. Believe me, it is no mean feat to get two classes of children 5 and under to learn, practice and perform in the way that our learners did. An enormous thank you to our entire EYFS team for their effort in putting this together for us all to enjoy.


Events like this make me very proud of our school and wider school community, the confidence gained by many of our youngest learners from their experiences this week, will go a long way to supporting them in the future.

Thank you to everyone who donated cakes and money towards the School Council cake sale today, in aid of the Children’s Ward at Lister Hospital. Everyone was delighted with their sweet treat and we raised a good amount of money that will go towards supporting those in need this Christmas.

Last weekend our KS2 choir participated in a concert at St Nicholas Church, alongside the Stevenage Singers. This was a wonderful event, with much rehearsal and practice going in during the preceding weeks and during the day itself. This afternoon our KS2 choir visited Roebuck Nursing home to spread some joy and happiness with some carol singing. Another group of Shephalbury learners doing our school proud out in the local community, a big thank you to Mrs Oustayiannis for leading and co-ordinating our wonderful choir.

The FOSP bauble competition was hotly contested, with many good designs! The FOSP committee have chosen their winners from each class, each of whom received a special prize, well done to:


YN: Elena

YR: Nicholas

Y1: Louie

Y2: Lewis

Y3: Ronnie

Y4: Tommy

Y5: Maia

Y6: Emmie


Before I move on to our celebrations for this week, there is some news to share with you all. After working at our school for over 20 years, we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Adamson at the end of this term. This year she has had surgery on her leg, and is rightly focusing her energy on her recovery and return to full fitness.


Having started her employment with us in 2003, Mrs Adamson has supported the learning and wellbeing of a good few generations of Shephalbury learners during her time here. She has contributed a lot to our school and community, and on behalf of everyone I want to thank Mrs Adamson for her commitment, enthusiasm and humour during the time she has been here. She will be missed as a colleague and as a character in the staff room, although we know that we will see her volunteering with future generations of Shephalbury learners in the near future!

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some amazing Christmas tree brownies from Mrs Spiller...amazing!! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Linda

YR: Matilda

Y1: Matthew

Y2: Ethan

Y3: Rae

Y4: Lilly

Y5: Richard

Y6: Olivia

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Esme - Think

YR: Beau - Create

Y1: Dominic - Solve

Y2: Ralph - Grow

Y3: Finley - Create

Y4: Violet - Create

Y5: Lilly - Create

Y6: Anjolaoluwa - Think

Phil’s question this week was: “What will you do to spread kindness this Christmas?”, this week there were some very lovely answers. A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.

This week has seen a fabulous 6 Headteacher’s awards handed out for some brilliant work!


First was Tommy (Y2) who has been working incredibly hard, and demonstrating his ability to be a Shephalbury Learner, in his writing. It has improved a great deal over the course of this term and he is now applying his skills in his wider work. Super work Tommy!


The next 2 went to Emily and Olivia (Y4) for work in their unit of performance poetry. Working together, learners were asked to perform a poem in class, the girls took this one step further and put actions to the words of Take a Bow Cow by Roger McGough. A brilliant performance…well done!

Take a Bow Cow by Roger McGough

Still image for this video

In Year 6, learners have been developing their writing skills through writing their own warning stories. Both Kian and Noorisha have done a fantastic job, not only in writing these pieces, but also in their progress throughout the course of this term. They are both demonstrating how they are applying the skills and knowledge developed in lessons into their independent work. Great stuff!


Finally this week was Darcey (Y3) for her independent work in maths. We all know that maths can be a tricky subject sometimes, but with the mindset of a Shephalbury learner and lots of hard work, Darcey has applied herself incredibly well to use arrays to solve multiplication problems. Great work Darcey!

I hope that you all enjoy the weekend and look forward to our festivities during the last few days of term next week!


Ben Conway

Friday 8th December 2023


With Christmas fast approaching for many of us, there is still a whole lot of learning and positive engagement across the curriculum around Shephalbury Park! Shep, our Christmas elf, appeared to much excitement in our celebration assembly last Friday, and he has continued to cause mischief and cheekiness around school all week.


The week started with a brilliant end to our House Joke Contest, with each of our finalists sharing their jokes in front of the whole school. A huge well done to all of our finalists who each earned 15 house points- Alys Y3, Archie Y1, Finley YR and Mayson Y5. And an even bigger well done to our top 3 and eventual winner Georgi!


1st Georgi Y1 (50pts)

2nd Ben Y6 (30pts)

3rd Mckenzie Y4 (20pts)


During the afternoon on Monday, learners all participated in a Kindness Workshop, led on Zoom by the charity 52 Lives, who aim to positively impact the lives of those in need:


Changing Lives

‘Every week, 52 Lives helps to change someone's life. We choose someone in need of help, share their story on our website and social media, and request what that person needs. Our kind supporters then spread the word, offer help if they can, and we change that person's life - and inspire more kindness in others.’


The workshop focused on the importance of kindness, the qualities of kindness that we have, the power of empathy and also understanding the social benefits of kindness. It was a really powerful session, which culminated in the Kindness Challenge. They were great sessions, and hugely beneficial to all of our learners.


To learn more about the work of 52 Lives, please take a look at their website below:

On Tuesday, Revd. Kate visited to lead our EYFS and KS1 learners in a Christingle service. As always this is a lovely event, enjoyed by all…especially as we get to eat the sweets later in the day! Our learners developed a better understanding of the importance of Jesus to Christians, the representations of the different elements of a Christingle and sang some songs. A big thank you to Revd. Kate for leading this.

Tuesday afternoon saw a visit by Paul Ring, a golf coach who will be leading an after school club in the new year, to lead some introductory workshops in Tri-Golf with Years 5 & 6.


‘Tri-Golf is a fun and energetic version of golf that is perfect for Primary Schools and young aspiring golfers as they hit targets with their first golf shots. Tri-Golf is a genuinely inclusive sport as it suits players of all abilities, which is great for Schools to incorporate it into their lessons. Every child can succeed in the games and with the flexibility between individual play and team interaction, it engages well with youngsters who might not want to play a traditional team sport.’


The club will be running for Years 3 – 6 and is a great way to get into golf and develop other personal and social skills. Having a fantastic facility like Stevenage Golf Centre on our doorstep is very fortunate, and hopefully some of our learners will be inspired to try their junior golf academy.


We had notification this week of the total amount raised from our sales during the Poppy Appeal, in aid of The Royal British Legion. As a school we raised a fantastic £324.59 from the merchandise that was purchased through the month of November, thank you to everyone for your contributions.


On Tuesday lunchtime this week, we were all surprised to see a very official helicopter descending over our playground during lunchtime, to just the other side of the trees into Shephalbury Park. Unbeknownst to us, there was a very royal incumbent on board the helicopter, and I have no doubt that King Charles will have seen our learners chasing his helicopter across the playground and waving at him on landing and on take off. You may have read that the King was in Shephalbury Park visiting the Coptic Church for a short service, his first visit here since 2013.


Our Year 5 netballers took on St Nicholas at home this week, on a damp and gloomy Tuesday afternoon. They battled hard and emerged victorious, for another win this season. Well done to them all!


Our Year 5 cohort also closed this week at school with their sharing assembly on Friday morning. It was great to be able to welcome Year 5 parents and families to watch the assembly and join in with our end of week celebrations. They all did a great job in sharing their learning, well done for a fantastic presentation.

Next Friday (15th December), our School Council have planned a cake sale in support of the Children’s Ward at Lister Hospital. The money raised will be used to purchase new toys and games for the children in their care. There is a requested minimum donation of 50p for a cake, which can be paid via Gateway or in cash. We are kindly asking for donations of cakes to be brought into school by Thursday 14th December (please ensure that all donations are free from nuts and nut products, any home baked goods need to be accompanied by a full list of ingredients). Many thanks in advance for supporting this event.

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some yummy Swiss rolls!! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Lennon

YR: Margot

Y1: Alfie

Y2: Melissa G

Y3: Emily

Y4: Baran

Y5: Mina

Y6: Ben

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Annabelle - Grow

YR: Matilda - Stretch

Y1: Henry - Risk

Y2: Sebastian - Solve

Y3: Olivia - Grow

Y4: Jaden - Solve

Y5: Pippa - Reflect

Y6: Caleb - Reflect

Phil’s question this week was: “What is your favourite Christmas memory?”, this week there were some very funny answers. A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.

This week has seen a steady stream of brilliant work and progress within the curriculum being brought to me for Headteacher’s Awards. This is truly one of the best parts of my job, seeing the pride that our learners feel when they are recognised and rewarded for their efforts as Shephalbury Learners.


There have been 5 Year 1 recipients this week, the first being Henry, who has really impressed me and Mrs Cargill with his indepent maths work when adding numbers on a number line. He used to model and examples given by Mrs Cargill and built his knowledge to use his number lines to count on. Great work Henry!


Next was Stefan, who was inspired in WRE this week, in producing a wonderful depiction of the nativity scene at the birth of Jesus. Stefan had focused on the key features and reproduced these perfectly for the front of his card. Well done!


Both Naayel and Arthur have been recognised for the development of their maths skills in adding 2 digit numbers. Using the Base 10 manipulatives in class, both boys were able to complete the 3 star challenges of adding two 2 digit numbers together independently. Keep it up boys!


The final award, in Year 1 this week, went to Leo for the amazing improvement that we have seen in his writing this term. Leo’s independent writing this week, when gathering descriptive words for his colour poem, has demonstrated a great improvement since the start of Year 1. Super work Leo!

In Year 2, Bella received a Headteacher’s award for her independent creation of a story map for the story of Pirate Tom, and her retelling of the story using it. She used actions and descriptive language throughout her recall of the story. Awesome Bella!


My final award went to William (Y2) for his work during the aforementioned kindness workshop earlier this week. Their challenge was to create something to share kindness with someone else. William’s creation was an aeroplane that could fly around school spreading respect, consideration and friendliness to everyone. Such a brilliant thought and a clear demonstration of the holistic development that we aim to provide for all of our Shephalbury Learners. We are really proud of you William…well done!

It was with sadness yesterday that we learned of the passing of the iconic poet Benjamin Zephaniah. He was a writer and poet that many of us will have read and heard over the years, but Benjamin was more than just a poet. He appeared in 14 episodes of Peaky Blinders and campaigned against social injustice through the written and spoken word. His writing and activism will be missed by many, however his poems will go on inspiring young and old for many years to come!


Quite aptly, at this time of year, one of my favourite poems of his is Talking Turkeys and I have shared it all below for you all to enjoy.

I hope that you all enjoy the weekend, see you all on Monday!


Ben Conway

Friday 1st December 2023


As we end the week at the beginning of December, there is a sprinkling of festive cheer starting to appear in and around school. Our Early Years learners are working hard on learning their songs and parts for the ‘Wriggly Nativity’ and Sep (our naughty elf) made a surprise appearance in assembly this afternoon!


As ever, there are a lot of additional activities and dates to remember coming up in the next few weeks, all of which can be found in the letter which was circulated today (and is available below).

Year 2 have already been getting in the Christmas mood this week, by attending the annual Christmas Journey, hosted by our friends at St Peter’s church. They met different characters from the nativity story and participated in a range of engaging activities.


We work closely with Revd. Kate and others from the church throughout the year, and will be continuing this link with our Christingle and church services coming up. There are lots of opportunities to get involved with the upcoming activities at the church should you wish to, details are below:

It has also been a particularly sporty week at Shephalbury Park. Our Year 3 & 4 football team won a tight match early in the week, and our Year 6 netballers played out a very competitive loss against a strong St Margaret Clitherow team.


On Tuesday we sent a team of rowers to compete in the Stevenage Sporting Futures indoor rowing competition and on Wednesday a team of Year 2 athletes to an indoor athletics event. Both groups of athletes performed well and represented our school with pride and enthusiasm!

We have recently received a donation of painted festive stones from local stone artist Peter Wood. I am sure that some of you will be aware of, and maybe have participated in, his stone hunts in and around Stevenage. Each stone has been individually hand painted and will be a brilliant resource within our early years provision, supporting learning and developmental play in a range of areas. A huge thank you to Peter for his donation. If you would like to find out more about Peter, please follow the link below:

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some yummy cake bar treats!! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Cora

YR: Lily

Y1: Lola

Y2: Tommy

Y3: Connie

Y4: Joy

Y5: Ephraim

Y6: Kian

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Noah - Think

YR: George - Grow

Y1: Kacper - Solve

Y2: Felicity B - Solve

Y3: Eric - Risk

Y4: Daniel - Stretch

Y5: Olly - Stretch

Y6: Roylean - Risk

Phil’s question this week was: “What are ‘safe’ ways to show that you are angry?”, as always there were some really thoughtful answers to the question. A big well done to our Golden Ticket winners pictured below.

Another week with a solitary Headteacher’s Award, which went to Lexie (Y3) for some excellent writing.


Our process of developing writing across the school starts with a Cold Task (producing a piece of writing with no teacher input), this gives us a starting point to build the skills of writing through the learning sequence. Once our learners have developed the relevant skills for the genre and had the chance to experiment with them, they apply their learning to a Hot Task (a final independent written piece).


During the Year 3 unit on recount writing Lexie made some fantastic progress from start to finish, developing her writing and producing a final piece to be really proud of. Well done Lexie…super writing!

I hope that you all enjoy the weekend and keep yourselves nice and warm, see you all on Monday!


Ben Conway

Thursday 23rd November 2023


An early end to our week this week, with tomorrow being our occasional day…I hope that like me you are all looking forward to a long weekend! Along with our shortened week, there is a slightly shorter blog post.


A huge thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Learning Review Meetings this week. We really value the relationships that we have with our families in supporting our Shephalbury learners on their educational journey through our school and beyond. I hope that you found the meetings useful in understanding how you child is accessing the curriculum and applying themselves to their learning. If you were unable to join us, please contact your child’s teacher through their year group email and find a convenient time to meet.

Year 6 were this week’s visitors to the Toby Chef School on Wednesday morning, completing the workshop and ending with the famous carvery lunch. The sequence of free workshops that our learners have taken part in have been great and I would like to thank the staff at the Toby for hosting us. Our learners have all thoroughly enjoyed themselves and represented our school impeccably on every visit.


We were visited by our school improvement partner Carole Hinstridge this week, who focused her visit on our maths provision. Her visit involved speaking with Mrs Lewis, our maths leader, and visiting lessons to speak to learners, staff and observe our methods of teaching and learning. As always, Carole commented on the high levels of engagement and learning behaviours in all learners, as well as the strength of teaching and learning by staff across the school. In summation, she confirmed that the actions we are taking to further develop fluency across the school are well targeted and appropriate to our needs.


A big thank you to Mrs Lewis for her work on this, and to our learners and staff, who as ever, embrace out vision and live out the attributes of the Shephalbury Learner in all areas across our school.


Over the course of the last few weeks, I have continued to show around many prospective applicants for our Nursery and Reception cohorts for September 2024. They have been incredibly popular and provide families with the opportunity to see and hear about all aspects of our school. If you, or anyone that you know, is thinking of applying for a place with us for next academic year, please contact the school office and book onto one of the upcoming tours.


A message from FOSP:

This year, the Friends of Shephalbury Park (FOSP) are holding a bauble decorating competition. All you need to do is get your children to add a design to the template that will be sent home on Monday 27th November. 


There will be a small prize for our favourite design per year group; be as imaginative and creative as you can!


All entries must be placed in the labelled box at the school office or to the class teacher by Monday 11th December. 


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some yummy treats, provided by Mr Haslett…thank you very much! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Esme

YR: Evan

Y1: Greyson

Y2: Esmie

Y3: Eleanor

Y4: Eliannah

Y5: Roma

Y6: Ethan

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Morgan - Create

YR: Louie - Risk

Y1: Elara – Reflect

Y2: William – Stretch

Y3: Skylar – Stretch

Y4: Leo – Think

Y5: Mayson - Solve

Y6: Noorisha - Solve

After last week’s bumper haul of Headteacher’s Awards, this week has seen just one…Rebecca (Year 1) has been working incredibly hard on developing her sentence structures in her recount writing. In addition to this she has really honed in on her basic sentence structures, perfecting the use of capital letters and full stops. Great work Rebecca…we are really proud of you!

I hope that you all enjoy the lovely long weekend, see you all on Monday!


Ben Conway

Friday 17th November 2023


Another big end to the week with our annual ramble around Shephalbury Park in aid of Children in Need. There were Pudsey ears, badges and paraphernalia galore as we trekked our way through the lanes this morning. Every year this is an event that we look forward to and enjoy how it brings our school community together in the fresh air. Our Year 6 learners act as fantastic role models for our Reception learners, supporting them on their way around the park.


Each year BBC Children in Need raises millions of pounds that goes towards supporting projects and services across the country. There are many in Stevenage and Hertfordshire that have benefited from funding that supports children and young people in our community.


In addition to our ramble, our learners also participated in the Bearpee Challenge that they have been running this week. Learners from all year groups visited the hall, met Pudsey and completed their Bearpees with the trainers from Stevenage David Lloyds Centre. A big thank you to them for coming down and sharing the fun with us for a fantastic cause!

Year 5 have had a busy week on their feet, starting by visiting Stevenage Museum, along with Year 6, for a World War II workshop on Monday. It was a great local visit for everyone, enriching the learning from their history theme and giving them all the opportunity to handle a wider range of artefacts from the war.


Following this Year 5 visited the Toby Chef School on Wednesday morning, completing the workshop and ending with the famous carvery lunch. As with the other year groups to attend, it was a highly informative and stomach filling experience for everyone!


Unfortunately the wet weather has been getting in the way of our sporting fixtures over the last week or so, but at the time of writing we are hoping that the Year 5 netball match vs Ashtree has taken place on Thursday evening!


I shared the following information last week, but if you missed it please read below regarding FOSP securing their acceptance as the nominated ‘local cause’ for the Co-Op community scheme.


The Friends of Shephalbury Park – FOSP have been successful in securing a place as the Co-Op's local cause November 2023-October 2024.

Co-Op's Local Cause – How does it work?

The Co-Op Local Community Fund supports projects across the UK that our members care about. Every time our members buy selected Co-Op branded products and services, we'll give local causes a helping hand.


When you buy selected Co-Op products and services, 2p for every £1 spent goes into your membership account. And we’ll split the same between like-minded organisations and local causes. You do not lose your rewards just provide extra to the local cause on top of your rewards.


You can select a local cause you would like to support. If you do not select a cause to support, we’ll share the funds you raised equally between the 3 causes in your community.


Why is FOSP a Co-Op local cause?

FOSPs aim is to raise money for Shephalbury Park Primary School to help provide financial support in provide enriching and engaging activities and opportunities which support the school and advance the education and experiences of the pupils.


How do I select FOSP as my local cause?

Have a look at the document below

This is great news, and we are really grateful to FOSP for the work that they are putting in to be able to support our school with vital funding towards enriching our school offer. I hope that lots of you are able to register and nominate us as your local cause.


We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers to school next week for our Learning Review Meetings. This is an opportunity for parent to meet with the class teachers who will share with you how your child has settled, how well they are applying themselves to their learning and at what level they are accessing the curriculum. It will provide you with some ideas on how you can further support your child’s academic development at home and offer you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have for the class teacher.


Learners will be sent home with the teachers notes prior to your meeting so that you are able to use these as a starting point in your discussion. Please arrive promptly for your appointment, come through the main entrance and look through your child’s books until the class teacher comes to get you for your appointment.


Whilst we do not expect learners to attend the meeting, there will be an activity table for them in the hall where they can be left whilst you are in any appointment. Year 6 learners are expected to attend their review meeting with their parents/carers.


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some yummy treats, provided by Mrs Cropley, once we returned from our ramble in the park! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Aaira

YR: Matei

Y1: Louie

Y2: Ashton

Y3: Elliot

Y4: Lenny

Y5: Eva

Y6: Olivia

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Iustin - Grow

YR: Isla - Stretch

Y1: John-Boy - Think

Y2: Ethan - Solve

Y3: Florence - Grow

Y4: Tommy - Stretch

Y5: Sereny - Think

Y6: Ben - Solve

This week saw an interesting question set by Phil,: ‘What animal are you most like and why? Explain…’


Some fantastic answers from many learners, but a huge well done to the winners selected below:

After last week’s bumper haul of Headteacher’s Awards, this week has seen an even more impressive amount! A total of 9 awards have been handed out throughout the week.


I know from my regular visits and conversations with our Year 6 cohort, how engaged they all are in their theme of World War II. This enthusiasm has extended into their written work in English and some wonderful poems. Damon, Melisa, Melody, Phoebe and Seth utilised different poetic features in their writing to evoke atmosphere and poignancy in their poetry. A huge well done to each of them!

In Reception, our learners are doing a fantastic job at developing their independent learning skills and becoming resilient Shephalbury Learners. Three learners that have demonstrated this week are Beau, Isla and Dylan.


Beau is a big fan of ‘Drawing Club’, as am I, and he utilised his time to create an excellent image of a tiger and special symbols. He clearly explained each element of his drawing in great detail.


Isla has been independently applying her phonic knowledge to word writing, linked to Reception’s key text of The Little Red Hen. She worked really hard in the mark making area, using the sound mats and writing really clearly.


Someone else that has been independently writing is Dylan. I really enjoy receiving the many letters and pictures that I get from learners across the school, and this week I was delighted to receive one from Dylan. He used his sounds and wrote brilliantly on his own.

My final award was for Isabelle (Y2) who has demonstrated exceptional progress in her reading. She has completed all of the assessments that we use to benchmark our learners within our chosen reading scheme, which is a fantastic achievement.


A huge well done to them all!

All that leaves me to say is that I hope you all have a great weekend!


Ben Conway

Friday 10th November 2023


We have ended this week with a fantastic WRE Learning day based around the key theme of ‘Being & Belonging’. Over the last 18 months Mrs Spiller, has worked incredibly hard to give our WRE curriculum impetus and excitement and our day today was no different. Across the school our Shephalbury learners embarked on a journey to explore and examine the question ‘Who are we?’


Our day kicked off with some inspiration from Moana, followed up quickly with an assembly with visitors from the Christian and Muslim communities sharing and discussing their identities with us all. During the day, learners then applied their thoughts to their own identities and created and individual piece of artwork each.


It has been a thoroughly fantastic day for us all, where we have explored, shared, been inspired and creative through our learning. A big thank you to Mrs Spiller for organising the day, and the rest of our staff team for facilitating it for us all.

At the beginning of the week we explored remembrance in my Monday assembly, and recognised the contribution that many men and women have made in making our country a safe place to live. Whilst we recognise the contributions made by people for us in the past, unfortunately conflict still occurs around the world.


I am sure many of you have been shocked and saddened about the news from Israel and Gaza during recent weeks. As parents, carers and school staff it’s never easy to discuss complex and sensitive topics with our children, but sometimes, it's essential to help them better understand the world around them whilst reassuring them that they are safe too.


We teach all of our learners to respect people’s differences and show humility and kindness to all, yet when they see fighting and war in the media it can be really difficult to explain these actions in a way that they will understand or accept.


The Israel-Gaza conflict is a complex and long-standing political issue that can be challenging to explain to children, but it's important to create a safe space for them to learn and ask questions about the world's events.


Here are some tips on discussing this topic with your children:

  • Age-Appropriate Information: Tailor your discussions to your child's age and maturity level. Younger children may need a simplified version, while older kids can handle more complex information. Make sure they feel comfortable asking questions.
  • Encourage Empathy: Discuss the importance of empathy and understanding the suffering of people on both sides of the conflict. Highlight that not everyone in Israel or Gaza supports or participates in the violence.
  • Historical Context: Offer a basic historical overview to help your child grasp the background of the conflict. You can discuss the creation of Israel, the Palestinian territories, and the ongoing disputes.
  • Questions and feelings: Encourage the children to ask questions and share their feelings if they want to. Be prepared to answer their questions in a simple and honest way.


“Children should be encouraged to ask questions and, if parents do not know the answers, they can set aside time to find the information together.” - ASHLEY KIPNESS, PSYD


  • Ensure that your child understands that violence is not a solution and that peaceful negotiations and dialogue are essential for resolving conflicts.
  • Use age-appropriate books, documentaries, or online resources to help your child learn more about the Israel-Gaza conflict. Monitor their internet usage to ensure they are exposed to reliable and balanced information.
  • Reassure your child that they are safe and that you are there to support them. Discuss how people around the world work towards peace and solutions.


Remember, discussing global conflicts like the Israel-Gaza situation can be emotionally charged, so approach the topic with care. It's perfectly fine to admit when you don't have all the answers. You can learn and explore together as a family.


By engaging in these conversations, you are not only helping your children understand complex world issues but also fostering critical thinking, empathy, and an appreciation for peace and diplomacy.  If you have any specific questions or need more resources, feel free to reach out to us. We're here to support you in navigating these important discussions with your children.


If they come to you asking questions, that’s your opportunity to talk about it instead of saying, ‘You’re too young.' That can lead them to feel like, ‘Is this dangerous? Is this scary?” — ZISHAN KHAN, MD

Elsewhere around school this week our Year 3 learners attended Chef School at the Toby Carvery. Despite the wet and windy weather on the journey there and back, a great and informative time was had by all, along with a delicious carvery lunch!


Unfortunately the wet weather put a stop on the first Y6 football league match of the season on Wednesday this week, however I am hoping that the this afternoon’s planned Y4 football and Y6 netball matches go ahead as planned – without the autumnal rain! Hopefully I will have some positive results to report on next week.


I hope that you will have seen the email circulated yesterday regarding FOSP securing their acceptance as the nominated ‘local cause’ for the Co-Op community scheme.


The Friends of Shephalbury Park – FOSP have been successful in securing a place as the Co-Op's local cause November 2023-October 2024.


Co-Op's Local Cause – How does it work?

The Co-Op Local Community Fund supports projects across the UK that our members care about. Every time our members buy selected Co-Op branded products and services, we'll give local causes a helping hand.

When you buy selected Co-Op products and services, 2p for every £1 spent goes into your membership account. And we’ll split the same between like-minded organisations and local causes. You do not lose your rewards just provide extra to the local cause on top of your rewards.


You can select a local cause you would like to support. If you do not select a cause to support, we’ll share the funds you raised equally between the 3 causes in your community.


Why is FOSP a Co-Op local cause?

FOSPs aim is to raise money for Shephalbury Park Primary School to help provide financial support in provide enriching and engaging activities and opportunities which support the school and advance the education and experiences of the pupils.


How do I select FOSP as my local cause?

Have a look at the document below

This is great news, and we are really grateful to FOSP for the work that they are putting in to be able to support our school with vital funding towards enriching our school offer. I hope that lots of you are able to register and nominate us as your local cause.


The links for our Learning Review Meetings were sent out this week for you to book onto. These meetings provide us with a great opportunity to share with you how your child has settled, how well they are applying themselves to their learning and at what level they are accessing the curriculum. It will provide you with some ideas on how you can further support your child’s academic development at home and offer you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have for the class teacher.

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed a a Halloween themed cake! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Noah

YR: Nicholas

Y1: Archie

Y2: Aren

Y3: Imogen

Y4: Alfie T

Y5: William

Y6: George

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Camden - Stretch

YR: Kane - Think

Y1: Lola - Stretch

Y2:Phoebe - Create

Y3: Theo - Risk

Y4:Liam - Create

Y5: Richard - Stretch

Y6: Riley - Create

This week Phil asked a question that related to all of our learners...and there were many interesting answers provided. A huge well done to our winners pictured below:

There has been a bumper 7 Headteacher’s Awards handed out this week, with 4 of them going to some of our youngest Shephalbury learners.



First was Esmie (Y2) who has been working really hard at developing strategies and explanations for subtracting across 10 in her maths learning. Esmie explained how she could use her number bond knowledge and modelled her thinking on a number line to solve problems. She furthered this by describing how to get the important information out of a written problem and solving it. Super maths work Esmie…well done!





In Reception this week, learners have been studying their own facial features, with the aim of creating self portraits to support in their WRE learning activity. Everyone did a great job, but there were 3 learners who focused incredibly well and produced some very realistic portraits. Ellis, Dylan and Molly created some really detailed depictions of themselves, which have really impressed me. Great work guys!




My next award went to Kane (YR) who was inspired during ‘Drawing Club’ this week. The task was to draw a creation to save a person who was stuck. Kane created a superhero with special jumping powers that would enable them to complete the rescue. Not only was his creation thoughtful, but he used his phonic knowledge to attempt writing superhero. Awesome work Kane…keep it up!


My final award went to Spencer B and Ephraim (Y5), who collaborated incredibly well in PE this week. They were tasked with creating a dance together, which they could perform in time and in sync. Their effort was brilliant and we are really proud of them.


Still image for this video

All that leaves me to say is that I hope you all have a great weekend!


Ben Conway

Friday 3rd November 2023


A stormy and spooky end to our first week back after half term. A huge thank you to The FOSP and all of the parent and staff volunteers for organising and supporting this afternoon’s Spooky Party! There were lots of amazing costumes and some brilliant dancing from all (adults included!). As I have said before, community run events add so much to enriching the school experience for many of our Shephalbury learners, and we are very grateful for the effort from everyone involved in the events…THANK YOU!

Our Year 4 learners went to Chef School this week at the Broadwater Toby Carvery. This is a fantastic initiative where our Key Stage 2 classes will all visit the restaurant and take place in a food workshop with a range of interactive activities. This is followed by a roast dinner, with a famous Toby Yorkshire pudding! A brilliant time was had by all, and as usual our learners represented our school incredibly well.

Also heading out this week were a group of Year 5 basketball players, who took part in the Stevenage Sporting Futures (SSFT) basketball competition. For our whole team, it was their first foray into competitive basketball, and they competed really well. Unfortunately, results didn’t go their way and they narrowly lost some of their games. Despite this, they never gave up and showed a fantastic spirit throughout. Well done to the team, and thank you to Mrs Grizzell for supporting them during the day.

We have been sent a fantastic opportunity for anyone who might like to try out golf at Stevenage Golf Centre. They are currently offering some free taster sessions for juniors. As a golfer myself, I think that this is a great opportunity to get started, please see below for more information:

A couple of reminders for a couple of key dates that are coming up in the next couple of weeks…


Friday 3rd November is the date for individual and sibling photographs for all classes


learning review meetings are on 20th, 21st and 22nd November – booking links will be sent out next week


Friday 24th November is an Occasional Day and school is closed to everyone


I have continued conducting small group tours for prospective new joiners to our Early Years in 2024 this week. These are really popular and a great way to get a feel for the culture, to see our school in action and hear about how we develop the whole child whilst they are Shephalbury Learners. If you or anyone that you know is applying for a school Nursery or Reception place in 2024 and would like a tour of our school, please get in contact with the Office team to book onto a tour.


This week is our Poppy Appeal. We are raising money to help and support the Royal British Legion, in memory of the soldiers who have fought for our country and died. We are no longer selling on Friday 10th November, so if you would like to buy a slap band, poppy keychain and more, bring your money into school and don’t let them get away.


During my time at Shephalbury Park, we have worked incredibly hard to create a school that supports all aspects of development within our Shephalbury learners. Our holistic approach ensures that we focus on academic, personal and social development for everyone, and we celebrate all round growth in equal measure. This week, we have seen some fantastic evidence of how our approach has inspired learners to be pro-active in contributing to our school.


Tommy and TJ (Y2) asked whether they could create a new role in school and be "friendship ambassadors", so Mrs McKenzie interviewed them for this job.


"We want to be Friendship Ambassadors and help people when they are sad, we know it is a big job for little children.  We do not want people to feel lonely and they can know that we will always play with them.  We want to make people feel happy and not left out.  You can rely on us to be Bucket Fillers.  We would also like to pick litter every week around school to help the environment."


The boys were insistent that they needed a "badge"... so Mrs Dean and Mrs McKenzie have got them both a Hi-Viz jacket to wear, with a badge on, so they can be identified at break and lunch.


I am incredibly proud of both boys, for their consideration of others and their willingness to contribute to our school in such a positive way. Thank you and well done to them both…I look forward to seeing them carrying out their new jobs.

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


As always, this is one of the highlights of my week, welcoming people to my weekly Tea Party. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed a range of tasty treats provided by Mr Conway! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Aryan

YR: Charlotte

Y1: Dominica

Y2: Katalea

Y3: Harvey

Y4: Kyla D

Y5: Oscar

Y6: Amelia

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Linda – Grow

YR: Roco – Grow

Y1: Stefan – Create

Y2: Jaiden - Reflect

Y3: Ethan - Solve

Y4: Lillyanna – Solve

Y5: Eva - Grow

Y6: Melody – Stretch

This week saw an interesting question set by Phil, which supported our understanding of looking after ourselves at this time of year: ‘How can we celebrate firework night safely?’


Mollie (YR)- "Stay inside and look out of the window"


Louis (YR)- "If it is too loud, wear headphones"


Emma (Y4)- "make sure you are far away and get an adult to handle the fireworks"

I had a last minute Headteacher's award to hand out in assembly this afternoon to Alys (Y3) for her brilliant work in History. As a class, Year 3 were using different sources of historical evidence to decide whether Howard Carter's discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb was a good thing or not. Alys worked in credibly well to deduce much information from the sources provided and gave a brilliant reasoned argument for her thoughts. Brilliant work Alys...well done!

All that leaves me to say is that I hope that those having or visiting firework displays, please do so safely, and I look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday morning!


Ben Conway

Friday 20th October 2023


We have made it to a rather soggy end of our first half term of the 2023-24 academic year, and what a busy time we have had around the school. Fantastic learning, Black History Month, sports event participation, visitors to school and a whole lot of other amazing stuff all over our school.


In every classroom and year group, our curriculum, and the learning opportunities are clear and evident. From Katie Morag on the Isle of Struay to the Ancient Egyptians and electricity, the breadth and depth of learning that takes place every day throughout Shephalbury Park adorns the classroom walls. It goes a long way to demonstrating the commitment to learning from both learners and staff, in creating the fantastic environment to stimulate curiosity and learning opportunities.

We have recently welcomed Mrs Robinson to our staff team, working in Year 2, I am sure that you will join me in extending a warm welcome to Shephalbury Park to her.


We finished the half term by welcoming in Year 6 parents and carers to join us for our first sharing assembly of the year. It was a brilliant opportunity to experience the learning that has taken place so far in Year 6- where I know that they have been thoroughly engaged with their theme of World War 2. A huge well done to the class and thank you to Mrs Cropley for facilitating the assembly.

A couple of reminders for things that are coming up just after half term…


…there will be no Tea Pot on Tuesday 31st October as all school staff are participating in training


Friday 3rd November is the date for individual and sibling photographs for all classes


learning review meetings are on 20th, 21st and 22nd November – booking links will be sent out after half term


Friday 24th November is an Occasional Day and school is closed to everyone


You will also have seen that FOSP will be holding their Spooky Party on Friday 3rd November after school. You can see more details below:

Over the past week I have begun conducting small group tours for prospective new joiners to our Early Years in 2024. These are really popular and a great way to get a feel for the culture and feel for our school and hear about how we develop the whole child whilst they are Shephalbury Learners. If you or anyone that you know is applying for a school Nursery or Reception place in 2024 and would like a tour of our school, please get in contact with the Office team to book onto a tour.


Phil Good held his Golden Moment yesterday for all of our golden ticket winners from this half term. As always it was a great event, where learners who have shown thought and consideration in answering Phil’s questions are well rewarded!

Hi, it’s Kingsley and Olivia. This week Year 6 have been busy preparing and practicing for our sharing assembly to our parents and the rest of the school. We performed it this morning it went really well! We are hoping that we will have run in our House Cross Country today, but at the time of writing this we don’t know because of the weather!

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


I haven’t made it to Tea Party for the last few weeks, so I was delight to be back for this one. This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed some brilliant autumnal cupcakes courtesy of Mrs Lee...thank you! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Jude

YR: Louie

Y1: Darcie

Y2: Phoebe

Y3: Flynn

Y4: Freddie

Y5: Freddie

Y6: Phoebe

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Cora - Create

YR: Finley - Create

Y1: Emily - Reflect

Y2: Ryver - Grow

Y3: George - Grow

Y4: Lilly - Create

Y5: Ephraim - Think

Y6: Yumna - Risk

This week saw an interesting question set by Phil, which supported our understanding of looking after ourselves at this time of year: ‘How can you keep yourself safe at Halloween? Explain…’

There have been 5 Headteacher’s Awards this week, handed out to learners in different year groups.


The first couple went to 2 of our oldest learners. As we all heard this morning during their sharing assembly, Year 6 have been working on a unit of biography writing, and Anjolaoluwa and Kyrillos both did a fantastic job. They both chose to write a biography of their mum, interviewing them, finding out extra information and then applying this to the key elements of biography writing. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to both of their life stories. Superb work boys…well done!

Next was for a Year 1 learner, Harry, who has been working really hard on improving his writing. Year 1 have been working hard to develop their pre-cursive letter formation in their handwriting lessons, and Harry has taken this and is applying it to his independent writing across the curriculum. Great work Harry, keep it up!


The final 2 awards both go to members of our Year 4 class. Firstly Emily, who was inspired in our recent recognition of National Poetry Day. Emily loves poetry and went home to create her own poem, which she brought and shared with her class, me and the rest of the school! Fantastic Emily!


Finally was Tommy, who has been inspired in WRE recently, and the Year 4 learning about Judaism. Tommy came and shared his learning and knowledge of the story of Passover. We discussed his enjoyment for the subject, where he noted that he really enjoyed WRE as ‘we are allowed to show our learning however we want’. Super work Tommy!

All that leaves me to say is that I hope you all have a great half term week, and you never know…if England can pull off a couple of great performances we could be returning to school with a World Cup winning rugby union team!


Ben Conway

Friday 13th October 2023


The autumnal weather is getting closer, and we are approaching half term. I attended the Hertfordshire Headteacher’s conference this week and had the opportunity to listen to speakers share their thoughts and ideas on further enriching the curricular offers that schools offer in a range of subject areas. As always it provided much food for thought on how we can continue to strive for the very best for our Shephalbury Learners.


We had a visit this week, commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council, to review our early years provision. The feedback and report from the visit were excellent and a real testament to the hard work that Miss Martin, Mrs Mutch and the rest of the team have put in to create our early years offer. A huge thank you and well done to the team!


Next week we will be holding our first sharing assembly of the year by our Year 6 class on Friday morning at 9am. Parents from this class are warmly welcomed to see the assembly and our regular Friday celebrations.


We will also be holding House Cross Country next Friday in the afternoon, where everyone will compete for points towards their house totals.


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed tea party with Mrs Dean! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Lois

YR: Lucy

Y1: Maison

Y2: Daniel

Y3: Henry G

Y4: Steffen

Y5: Ethan

Y6: Kyrillos

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Cooper - Think

YR: Leo – Solve

Y1: Alfie – Grow

Y2: Alfie – Grow

Y3: Darcey – Think

Y4: Lillyanna – Reflect

Y5: Mina - Risk

Y6: Jamila - Stretch

There have been 4 Headteacher’s Awards this week.


The first went to Albert (Y2) for his excellent maths work. He has been developing the skill of counting in 2s and was able to do this from different starting points. He had independently used visual representations to help him and was very proud to show off his work to me. Well done Albert!


The other 3 awards went to Caleb, Kian and Ben (Y6) for their brilliant work in History. They are currently learning about World War 2 and had been using different sources of evidence to find out how people protected themselves in the Blitz. They were given the freedom to decide how they presented their work – a skill which we are embedding across the school this year – and all did so fantastically well, showing their depth of knowledge and understanding of the content and also using the skills of historians. Awesome work boys…keep it up!

I hope that you all have a great weekend!


Ben Conway

Friday 5th October 2023


As we enter October with some Autumnal weather this week, we have begun our celebration of Black History Month. In my blog last week I identified that the national theme of ‘Celebrating our Sisters’ will lead us to reading texts in our reading lessons, and beyond, by black female authors or with black main characters.


We are also learning about significant black female singers and songwriters by listening to and appraising a different artist and song everyday throughout the school. This week has already seen us listen to and learn about Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald and Mamie Smith.


Through our assemblies we have also been focusing on the inspirational lives of women such as Floella Banjamin, who I was very fortunate to see speak at a conference last year. Our learning, knowledge broadening and celebration will continue next week!

Our Year 5 and 6 learners participated in the NSPCC ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ workshops earlier this week. As always, we encourage all of our learners from an early age to recognise when to speak out if the are uncomfortable or unsure about an issue or situation. This is done through a varied curriculum, PSHE and RSE lessons and our wider mental health and well-being offer.


Buddy, the NSPCC mascot, was in attendance and reiterated much of the work that we continually do.

If you would like some more support to discuss this at home with your child please follow the link below. You will also find lots of useful information in our monthly Inclusion newsletters.

We welcomed five other local primary schools to Shephalbury Park this week for one of the Stevenage District pre-season football tournaments. These are a great chance to measure ourselves up against the other schools and gain a placing in the appropriate league. We played in some very competitive matches against Martins Wood, Lodges Farm, Roebuck, Almond Hill and Knebworth, ending the afternoon with 2 wins a draw and 2 losses, resulting in us finishing 3rd in the mini league.


There were some brilliant performances by everyone who represented the school, as well as a great attitude and sportspersonship…well done!


I shared last week that our voting period for the Tesco blue token scheme (Stronger Starts) has now begun and will run until the beginning of next year. As you can see from the picture the tokens are already filling up in the Broadwater Tesco branch.


I would be really grateful if you could share this with any family and friends that shop at any of the following stores, as we will be up against other projects in the 6 local stores below:

Broadwater Stevenage                   SG2 8DT
Stevenage Extra                            SG1 1ES
Woolmer Green Express                 SG3 6FP
Old Stevenage Hi St Express           SG1 3EF
Stevenage Che Ph Express             SG2 0LU
Hitchin St Lyon C Express             SG4 9SP


The last 8 days has seen some national and international recognition days for teaching assistants and teachers. We are all very fortunate that we have a range of teaching and support staff who really epitomise what it means to work in education. They work hard for others, show empathy and understanding, and strive to do their very best for each and every learner that attends our school. It makes me proud to lead them, and I hope that our wider community will join me in saying THANK YOU to each of them for the jobs that they do.

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


This week’s Bucket Fillers enjoyed a delicious tea cake! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: Eliza

YR: Beau

Y1: Leo

Y2: Isabelle

Y3: Tia

Y4: Daniel

Y5: Charlie

Y6: Jamila

As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: Peyton - Stretch

YR: -

Y1: Naayel - Stretch

Y2: TJ - Think

Y3: Isabella - Grow

Y4: Lenny S - Think

Y5: Spencer C - Solve

Y6: Leanna - Grow

This week saw an interesting question set by Phil, which reflected much or our Shephalbury Learner approach: ‘What do you love to learn?’


Lenny B Y4- “I would love to learn about new things I have not learned before because I think it will be interesting.”


Leo Y4- “I love to learn about computer science so I can work in an office when I’m older. Also I like computer science.”


Jake Y4- “I love history because Mrs Cropley filled my bucket and inspired me. Thank you Mrs Cropley.”

There have been 2 Headteacher’s Awards this week, handed out to learners in different year groups.


The first was for one of our youngest learners in Reception. Charlotte went home and created her own book telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. She used her phonic knowledge and drawing skills to great effect and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to her retelling the story to me. Great work Charlotte…keep it up!


My second award went to Matthew (Y3) for his brilliant attitude to learning in WRE (Worldviews and Religious Education). Mrs Spiller, and myself, have been incredibly impressed with Matthew’s application in lessons and the knowledge and understanding he has built up about the Sikh religion. He explained to my how Sikh’s look after their holy book The Guru Granth Sahib. Super work Matthew!

I hope that you all have a great weekend!


Ben Conway

Friday 29th September 2023


As the weeks are ticking, and our learners are highly engaged in their new year group expectations and learning, there is a lot happening throughout the school!


This week saw learners in KS1 and KS2 engage in an NSPCC assembly, and next week our KS2 learners a workshop, on their theme of ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’. As always, our learners were proactive in offering thoughts and ideas that will keep them safe at home and in school, and they will have identified and discussed trusted adults and safe spaces.


Along with our work through these workshops and assemblies, we have many strategies in school which support learners in all year groups to develop an understanding of how to keep themselves, their peers and their relationships with others safe and well, and what they can do if there are any issues. Our PSHE and RSE curriculum, regular assemblies and our pastoral team all work together in a wide variety of ways.


If you would like some more support to discuss this at home with your child please follow the link below. You will also find lots of useful information in our monthly Inclusion newsletters.

Our intrepid Year 5 & 6 Cross Country competitors headed over to Fairlands Valley this week to compete in the annual Stevenage Championships. For most of our competitors this was their first taste of competitive long distance running, and all of them represented Team Shephalbury really well. Their determination, perseverance and sportspersonship shone through to complete the course.


There were some exceptional individual performances, with Phoebe and Ben both finishing 6th in their respective races. Everyone completed the course and made it to the end, with our Year 5 team winning the Stanley Stevenson award for determination. A great day all round!

Next week our UKS2 football team will be participating in their first competitive fixtures of the year, as we host a mini pre-season tournament here on Wednesday afternoon. We will report on their progress next week.


As October is upon us next week, there are a couple of things to let you know about. The first is that we will be celebrating Black History Month this year by embracing its theme of ‘Celebrating our Sisters’. We will be focusing all of our school reading texts, assemblies and music on black females throughout the month.


If you would like some more information please follow the link below:

I also shared last week that we have been successful in applying to be included in the Tesco blue token scheme. We were grateful to be nominated by one of our families and are trying to raise funds to facilitate us to build a sensory garden by the entrance to the school office. I would be really grateful if you could share this with any family and friends that shop at any of the following stores, as we will be up against other projects in the 6 local stores below:


Broadwater Stevenage                   SG2 8DT
Stevenage Extra                            SG1 1ES
Woolmer Green Express                 SG3 6FP
Old Stevenage Hi St Express           SG1 3EF
Stevenage Che Ph Express             SG2 0LU
Hitchin St Lyon C Express             SG4 9SP


Voting will commence in store from next week until Mid-January 2024, so there is plenty of time to get lots of tokens in!


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


This week’s Bucket Fillers will be having a delayed Tea Party on Monday morning where they will be treated to something special! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: -

YR: Kane

Y1: Sofia

Y2: Bella

Y3: Lexie

Y4: Lenny B

Y5: Amelia

Y6: Amelia

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: -

YR: -

Y1: Isla K - Risk

Y2: Ashton - Think

Y3: Flynn - Stretch

Y4: Jake - Grow

Y5: Richerd - Grow

Y6: Bethany - Grow

There haven’t been any Headteacher’s Awards handed out this week, so fingers crossed for a bumper crop next week.


I hope that you all have a great weekend!


Ben Conway

Friday 22nd September 2023



Gladly, the end of this week sees some rather drier and calmer weather than we saw earlier in the week. The correlation between the amount of wind and the excitement of children is a well known ‘fact’ amongst education professionals, and this week proved no different. I was also reliably informed by a colleague from a different school that windy weather also creates behavioural changes in sheep, I will be looking out for this next time I am stuck outside in a gale!


Despite the disruption that the weather this week has caused to our timetables, and I am sure our lives outside school (I too spent an evening getting soaked through and avoiding flooded roads), I do believe that it provides a good metaphor for learning and life. Being resilient, continuing when things seem tough and seeing glimpses of light as we emerge out the other side of difficulty.

This week a group of Year 5 learners represented our school, and Stevenage, at the Hertfordshire School Games Finals in the small schools Rapid Fire Cricket Competition. The finals were postponed at the end of last academic year and we were really fortunate to be attending the event at University of Hertfordshire. Over the last couple of weeks we have been honing our skills during lunchtimes as a bit of a refresher and arrived intent on having a good time.


We played a in round robin league competition against 6 other schools from around the county. We performed strongly in all matches, winning 4 and losing 2 (the two we lost were by 2 runs each), this put us in a strong position as we listened to the final results. After hearing the table in reverse order we found out that we were tied on points at the top of the league with two other schools. The winners were determined on runs scored throughout the tournament…leaving us to find out that we were victorious!


A fantastic achievement for Team Shephalbury Park and one which will live long in the memory of those in our team. Next week we have teams of Year 5 & 6 runners competing in the Stevenage Cross Country Championships at Fairlands Valley.

Our Nursery class have begun their 30 hour provision this week, with a good number of our youngest Shephalbury learners staying all day. We all know that a school day can be tiring for even our oldest learners, and our Nursery class are acclimatising well. Their environment is full of fun and learning throughout the day and we look forward to sharing their progress with everyone throughout the year.


We welcomed many of our EYFS parents into school this week to share a fantastic resource for parents and carers of young learners. The Hertfordshire 50 Things to do Before You’re 5 is packed full of ideas and activities to enrich the learning experiences of our developing learners. The activities are great, and the app is easy to download. For more information follow the link below:

The home school agreement was sent home last week with all learners, it outlines the shared responsibilities of school, parents/carers and the learner. Please take time to go through this with your child at home. Once you have, please click the link below to confirm that you agree to uphold the expectations:

Many of you will already know that we have recently entered the world on Instagram, with a school account. The account will be used to celebrate many of the positives from around the school on a daily basis, give everyone an insight into the day to day goings on around school and communicate reminders to our community. If you would like to withdraw permission for your child to appear on our Instagram page, you are able to do so when confirming your agreement to the home school agreement.


If you aren’t already, we would love to get you following us, click the link in the icon or search for us @shephalburyparkprimaryschool.


Our governors met last week to start their year of support, challenge and strategic direction for the school. Being a school governor is a critical role in ensuring the effectiveness of schools and also in planning for the future. Our governing body volunteer their time to visit school to meet with learners, visit lessons and meet with staff to get a full understanding of how our school runs and what impact we have on our learners. They also meet regularly throughout the year to discuss everything from curriculum and health & safety to finance and safeguarding. Our team are always on the look out for new recruits. If you would like to find out more about the role, or would like to discuss it further, please contact me through the office or speak to me on the playground.


As we approach October there are a couple of things to let you know about. The first is that we will be celebrating Black History Month this year by embracing its theme of ‘Celebrating our Sisters’. I will be sharing more as we enter October, but if you would like some more information in advance of this please follow the link below:

My second piece of news is that we have been successful in applying to be included in the Tesco blue token scheme. We were grateful to be nominated by one of our families and are trying to raise funds to facilitate us to build a sensory garden by the entrance to the school office. I would be really grateful if you could share this with any family and friends that shop at any of the following stores, as we will be up against other projects in the 6 local stores below:

Broadwater Stevenage                       SG2 8DT
Stevenage Extra                                 SG1 1ES
Woolmer Green Express                   SG3 6FP
Old Stevenage Hi St Express            SG1 3EF
Stevenage Che Ph Express               SG2 0LU
Hitchin St Lyon C Express                 SG4 9SP


Voting will commence in store from the first week of October 2023 until Mid-January 2024, so there is plenty of time to get lots of tokens in!


Year 6 Bloggers:

This week we have talked to the school's caretaker Mr Haslett. He has said the school are going to be changing its lights to LED lights to save energy throughout the school.


Mr Haslett likes his job because he can see children and keep them safe. He likes teaching clubs like gardening and football.


There is three questions we would like to ask everyone: 1. What is your favourite season and why? 2. What is your favourite movie? 3. What is your favourite sport?


Mr Haslett says his favourite season is summer because it is hot and he doesn’t have to shovel snow, his favourite movie is The Godfather and his favourite sport is football, West ham).


Next week we will be interviewing children at year 5 and 6 for cross country. By Riley, Olivia and Kingsley.


Now onto our celebrations for the week.


This week’s Tea Party guests were treated to delicious jam donut muffin courtesy of Mrs McKenzie…thank you very much! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: -

YR: Hiba

Y1: Albie

Y2: Oliver

Y3: Henry

Y4: Emma

Y5: Maia

Y6: Noorisha


As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: -

YR: -

Y1: Jaxon - Grow

Y2: Felicity B - Think

Y3: Henry G - Create

Y4: Freddie - Risk

Y5: Emilia - Create

Y6: Viktor - Create

This week saw an interesting question set by Phil, which promoted a lot of innovative answers: ‘How could you keep yourself feeling safe if you had to wash an elephant?’


Rae Y3- ‘You can get someone from the zoo and they will sure that you are ok.’


Jaiden Y2- ‘I would stay away and spray water and soap.’


Louie YR- ‘Use some music to help the elephant, so it is calm.’

I have handed out 2 Headteacher’s awards this week.


The first went to Dominica (Y1) for her fabulous innovation of sentences from the Katie Morag story that has been the class text so far this ter. Dominica worked independently to create a good range of sentences…great work!


My second award went to Darcey (Y3) who has hit the ground running in her WRE learning so far this year. She has been inspired by learning about Sikhism and recorded her information well, relaying all that she had learnt to me. Great work Darcey…keep it up!

I hope that you all have a great weekend, and fingers crossed for another good performance by England in the rugby world cup on Saturday!


Ben Conway

Friday 15th September 2023

The end of another week already, and lots more fantastic things to reports from around school this week.


On Monday this week, we welcomed the very inspiring Andrew Moffat, who delivered a ‘No Outsiders’ lesson to everyone in Years 1 – 6. He has worked hard at creating learning opportunities which promote the acceptance and understanding of many issues relating to equality, diversity and inclusion. Each lesson was highly engaging and provided lots of rich discussion around the issues within the books that were used.



Following on from the class sessions our staff team had a training session after school, prompting much thought and discussion as to how we can further embed some of the ideas into our daily practice. Equality, diversity and inclusion features really highly in our school development for this academic year, and we will be inviting parents and carers to play a part in our journey in the future. Please look out for opportunities to join us to support.



I am delighted to be able to share some fantastic news with you all. Mr Klein, and his wife, welcomed baby Finn to the world on Wednesday evening this week, weighing 8lbs. The Klein family are all now back at home, settling into family life as a family of four. I am sure that you will all join me in sending them lots of happiness and best wishes.

As a school we really value the relationships that we have with our families, there is lots of research which shows a clear correlation between active parental engagement and success in school for children. With this in mind, I want to thank those parents and carers who were able to attend the curriculum meetings this week. We hope that you found them useful in understanding what to expect from the year ahead for your child/ren. At these meetings a paper copy of the curriculum letter and home school agreement were handed out (if you were unable to attend, they will be sent home today). The home school agreement outlines the shared responsibilities of school, parents/carers and the learner. Please take time to go through this with your child at home. Once you have, please click the link below to confirm that you agree to uphold the expectations:

Many of you will already know that we have recently entered the world on Instagram, with a school account. The account will be used to celebrate many of the positives from around the school on a daily basis, give everyone an insight into the day to day goings on around school and communicate reminders to our community. If you would like to withdraw permission for your child to appear on our Instagram page, you are able to do so when confirming your agreement to the home school agreement.


If you aren’t already, we would love to get you following us, click the link below or search for us @shephalburyparkprimaryschool.

As a school we buy in to a brilliant platform called The National College- that provides training and advice for adults across our community- teachers, support staff and parents/carers. Over the past year many of you have signed up and accessed some of the resources, Mrs McKenzie also regularly shares resources from this platform with parents. If you are new to our community, or haven’t yet signed up, I would urge you to do so. It only takes a minute and you will have a wealth of information, support, advice and training at your fingertips. Click the link below to sign up:

You will be aware that we have reinvigorated our house teams this year with the re-organisation of people into equal teams with new names and colours. To mark this ex Shephalbury Park learner Imogen Spiller has designed new emblems for each of the teams. They are all brilliant, and are now displayed on our house team display as well as being turned into badges for staff and house captains. A huge thank you to Imogen for her fantastic designs!

Year 6 Bloggers:

Hello, we are Riley, Olivia and Kingsley and we are the Year 6 bloggers. We will be talking about events and things going on around school once a week. For example talking about new staff, interviewing teachers and learners. We will be writing a short paragraph each week with information about the school.

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


This week’s Tea Party guests were treated to delicious cupcake courtesy of Mrs Cargill…thank you very much! A huge well done to the following children for being nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: -

YR: Chester

Y1: Rebecca

Y2: Melissa

Y3: Louis

Y4: Zaki

Y5: Lilly

Y6: Leanna

As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: -

YR: -

Y1: Arthur - Solve

Y2: Teddy - Risk

Y3: Alys - Stretch

Y4: Lenny B - Risk

Y5: Charlie - Create

Y6: Kian - Stretch

Our anti-bullying ambassadors have been working on an ‘online anti-bullying campaign’ and have met with Mr Klein to see how they can help to highlight the issue in school. With this in mind, they set and chose the winning answers for Phil’s question this week, which was: ‘What would you do if you, or your friend, were being bullied online?’


Ryver Y2- ‘Tell a teacher, mummy or daddy.’


T-J Y2- ‘Stick up for them.’


Lenny B Y4- ‘Block them, report them and leave the game.’

I have handed out 2 Headteacher’s awards this week.


The first went to Maison (Y1) for his excellent creation of a summer holiday poster. He described it all to me and it sounded like he had a fantastic time over the course of the six weeks with his family and friends. Well done for being creative and thank you for sharing it with me Maison!


My second award was a really pleasing one to be able to give out…Ronnie (Y3) has been really developing his learning behaviours since returning this academic year. In every lesson he is applying the Shephalbury Learner attributes to his work and approach, which is really supporting him in moving his learning on. This was especially evident in Ronnie’s maths work this week, where he worked his way through the challenges and progressing to the independent completion of the 3 star task. Super work Ronnie…keep it up!



This weekend sees Jews around the world celebrate Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), I would like to wish those members of our community who are celebrating Shana Tova.


I hope that you all have a great weekend.


Ben Conway

Friday 8th September 2023

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Shephalbury Park for the 2023-24 academic year and what a fantastic, sunny start we have had!


Having seen and spoken to learners all over the school, it is clear that they have all enjoyed their break, and many have had some wonderful summer experiences that they have shared with me. The start of the year brings a lot of excitement and eagerness in many, as well as a little nervousness about what lies ahead. Having visited all of our classes throughout the week, it is already clear how well focused and engaged our learners are…living up to our expectations as Shephalbury Learners.


I would like to extend a warm welcome to our Shephalbury community to our new starters. We have been joined in Reception by 12 new Shephalbury Learners who have settled in really well this week. We have also begun transitioning in our new Nursery cohort, who have been exploring their surroundings and getting to know our staff.

We have also welcomed 3 new members of staff; Miss Maggs who is teaching Year 3, Miss Bawdon who is our new administrator, and Miss Howard who is our new after school cleaner. We hope that our learners and wider community make you all feel very welcome.


Unfortunately Mrs Gregory has not returned to continue in her role this September, due to an impending house move. We thank Mrs Gregory for her contribution to our school over the past few years and wish her the best of luck in her future.


I would like to invite parents and carers of learners in Years 1 – 6 to join us next week on both Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th for curriculum meetings for their new year groups. These will take place in the classroom with their new teacher between 2.45-3pm. If you are unable to attend, all of the information will be shared on the class pages of the website and sent home on paper as well. We look forward to seeing you there!


Our new year has heralded a new beginning for the 4 new house teams in school; Blue Buzzards, Green Kestrels, Red Kites and Purple Sparrowhawks. Our teams look fantastic in their new PE shirts and we are looking forward to participating in House events throughout the year.



At the outset of every year, there is a lot of information to process for everyone, learners, teachers and parents. With this in mind you will have been sent a list of the dates of events for the term ahead. There may be others communicated with you, however at the moment these ones are all booked and in the diary.


For learners in Y3, 4 & 6, if you would like them to attend the upcoming residential trips this year please make a deposit payment via School Gateway.


As we return I would just like to pass on a couple of reminders to all. All learners should now have a school water bottle with a new lid (representing their new house team colour). Please ensure that they have this with them, cleaned and with fresh water on a daily basis. Our brains are made up of 75% water, a slight dip in hydration can lead to impairments with our cognition, memory and general brain function.


When collecting at the end of the day, we request that those collecting line up and allow the class teacher to dismiss the children as you get to the front of the line. This is really important to us from a safeguarding perspective as we need to ensure that we can clearly see who each learner is leaving with.


Please be reminded that whilst we encourage the use of bikes and scooters for the journey into school, no one should be riding them on school grounds (this includes younger siblings). I would urge you to be pro-active in ensuring that your child/ren are following these expectations and that we do not rely on school staff asking them stop riding. We also require anyone riding a bike to school to wear a helmet, the wearing of a helmet has been found to reduce the risk of serious head injuries by 69%. If you need some support in sourcing one please speak to myself or Mrs Dean.


My final reminder is that there should be no children using the climbing equipment and trim trail on the KS2 playground before or after school, whether they are our learners, younger or older siblings. This is for health and safety reasons due to the lack of supervision from school staff at these times, once again I request that parents and carers are pro-active in ensuring that children follow these expectations so that school staff are not having to ask them.

During our assembly today we celebrated our Shephalbury learners who completed the Summer Reading Challenge at the library during the school holidays. We all recognise the importance of reading as a gateway skill in life, enabling us to access a wealth of information around us. By completing the challenge our learners have shown that ongoing commitment to grow and stretch themselves whilst enjoying being exposed to a wide range of books and stories. A huge well done to everyone for your achievement!

As a school we buy in to a brilliant platform called The National College- that provides training and advice for adults across our community- teachers, support staff and parents/carers. Over the past year many of you have signed up and accessed some of the resources, Mrs McKenzie also regularly shares resources from this platform with parents. If you are new to our community, or haven’t yet signed up, I would urge you to do so. It only takes a minute and you will have a wealth of information, support, advice and training at your fingertips. Click the link below to sign up:

One final bit of news for you all before I move into this week’s celebrations, we have recently entered the world on Instagram, with a school account. The account will be used to celebrate many of the positives from around the school on a daily basis, give everyone an insight into the day to day goings on around school and communicate reminders to our community. Next week, when we circulate the home school agreement, you will be offered the opportunity to withdraw permission for your child to appear on our page. Until that point we will check with you individually if we are going to include your child on there.


We would love to get you all following, click the link below or search for us @shephalburyparkprimaryschool

Now onto our celebrations for the week.


This week’s Tea Party guests were treated to my special rocky road creation, which was a bit of a gamble in this heat! A huge well done to the following children for being the first learners nominated by their teachers this week:


YN: -

YR: Isla

Y1: Isla D

Y2: Georgi

Y3: Eric

Y4: Olivia

Y5: Sofia

Y6: Kingsley

As well as Bucket Fillers, we have handed our Shephalbury LEARNER certificates and had a first look at the house point totals.


As always our staff have seen pupils from around the school working hard to demonstrate the 7 attributes that make up a Shephalbury LEARNER, reflect, solve, create, grow, risk, think and stretch through the lessons and activities that they have participated in. The children listed below have been nominated by their teachers for being Shephalbury LEARNERS this week, a huge well done to each and every one of them:


YN: -

YR: -

Y1: Molly - Think

Y2: Esmie - Stretch

Y3: Matthew - Grow

Y4: Charlie - Create

Y5:  Spencer B - Stretch

Y6: Ethan - Reflect

I have handed out 3 Headteacher’s awards this week.


The first was to Seth Y6, who had the trip of a lifetime over the summer to Australia. Whist he was there, Seth documented his entire trip in his diary. We had a long chat about what he did and it all sounded amazing, especially getting to watch the Lionesses in the Women’s World Cup! Great work Seth…spreading the Shephalbury Learner all the way down under!


Next was Greyson Y1 for his fantastic start to Year 1. He has really impressed Mrs Cargill with his independent writing during exploring time, penning letters to post in the post office, inspired by the current class text of Katie Morag. Greyson read me his letter, before promptly heading off to post some other letters around school. A great start to Year 1 Greyson…keep it up!


My final award was for Amelia Y6, who was so inspired by the start of Year 6’s theme of World War 2, that she went home and conducted her own research to supplement her learning in class. Really demonstrating many of our Shephalbury LEARNER attributes and a brilliant start to Year 6! We’re proud of you Amelia.

Well I hope that we get to keep some of the warm weather over the weekend, and will be cheering on England as they start their endeavours at the rugby world cup in France!


Have a great weekend.


Ben Conway
