Recommended sites for children
Useful Websites
Here are some websites that are recommended by the staff at Shephalbury Park Primary School.
Always make sure that your parents/ careers know what sites you are on. It is important to stay safe online.
Government List of Free Online Resources Follow this link for a government compiled list of free educational resources that you will be able to access from home. There is a wide range of activities to access across the curriculum available.
ICT Games English activities for EYFS & KS1
Pobble 365 Daily writing and comprehension actvities for KS2
Scholastic Story Starters Story starter ideas for all ages
Teach Your Monster To Read Free reading and phonics activities EYFS & KS1
Oxford Owl E-Book Library Register for free access to over 100 free e-books for children aged 3-11
Numberblocks Maths activities and games for EYFS
Top Marks Maths Activities Maths games and activities for KS1 & KS2
ICT Games Maths Maths games for EYFS and KS1
Oxford Owl Maths Activities Online and printable activities for 3-11 year olds
All Subjects
Purple Mash Lots of activities across the curriculum
Collins Free eBooks, activities across the currciulum and worksheets for all ages
Seneca Maths, English, Science, Geography & History for KS2
Kids Classroom Secrets Free sign up and a range of activities across a range of subjects for all children
Oxford Owl A range of online and printable games and activities
Scratch Online coding tutorials and activities
Tynker Online coding activities and tutorials
BBC Bitesize for KS1 A range of activities and information for KS1
BBC Bitesize for KS2 A range of activities and information for KS2
Top Marks A range of activities on all subjects
Cbeebies Games and activities for EYFS
National Geographic Kids Activities and information about the natural world
- A range of activities in a range of subjects
App List A list of apps that may support further learning for pupils in EYFS
Activities That Don't Involve Computers, Tablets or Screens
KS1 Activity Booklet A range of activities for KS1 pupils
KS2 Activity Booklet A range of activities for pupils in KS2