
Shephalbury ParkPrimary School

Imagine, Believe, Achieve

Contact Details


SENCO- Mrs Tina Dean         01438235454

At Shephalbury Park we are committed to inclusion and strive to ensure that all pupils have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum and take as full a part as possible in all school activities, in a secure, engaging and inclusive environment.


We differentiate our curriculum which caters for the needs of individual pupils. We aim to identify pupils requiring Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision as early as possible.


Our Inclusion Leader (INCo) ensures that the needs of SEND pupils are met through co-ordinating support from outside agencies, advising colleagues, developing staff and monitoring the progress of SEND pupils.


The needs of our most able learners are carefully considered when planning each and every lesson. We link with our local secondary schools and offer enrichment activities whenever possible.

Autism Quality Offer


The Hertfordshire Autism Quality Offer aligns with the SEND Quality Offer - Hertfordshire’s statement on high quality provision and outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The Autism Quality Offer describes the special educational provision that settings are encouraged to have available for children and young people who have autism or social communication needs and includes links to resources and training available to settings across Hertfordshire.
