Year 5
Spellings Week 1
Week 1
Welcome back Year 5!
We hope you’ve had a fabulous summer. Mrs Ashby and I are looking forward to a great year with you all! This week, we have settled into Upper Key Stage 2, getting used to different routines and timings.
We have started our Number and Place Value unit, where we have learnt about Roman numerals and numbers up to 1,000,000. In English we have begun to explore our first narrative unit, a wishing tale, based on the short story One Chance. We are also beginning to develop our communication skills, by answering different questions in groups.
In PE, we have started our Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA) unit and have started to think about teamwork skills. In Computing we are beginning to think about computer systems and networks, focusing on how computers are connected together to create a network.
- PE day is Thursday- please come in your house colour top.
- Homework (reading 3x per week, spellings and Mirodo (English or Maths alternating each week) is given out on a Friday (Mirodo starts at 4pm). TTRS is not compulsory at the moment, but I would like all children to continue to practice their times tables each week- This will help our Maths learning, especially when we get onto Multiplication and Division, and Fractions later this year!
- On Tuesday 12th September and Thursday 14th September, we have our curriculum meetings, at 2:45pm in the Year 5 classroom. You’re more than welcome to attend!
- Email if you have any questions or concerns!
Thank you,
Mr Klein