School Clubs
We are pleased to be able to offer our learners a wide range of activities and clubs throughout the academic year. We also offer wrap around provision with our Porridge Pot and Tea Pot. To find out more about these, please follow the link below.
The aim of our extra-curricular provision is to provide affordable opportunities for all pupils. They can participate in a broad range of opportunities and activities. These are planned for, and reviewed. Our pupils in the school council help us to make these decision. Sometimes pupils start up clubs and organise them too.
Clubs on the table below are heavily subsidised to make activities accessible to all. We charge a nominal fee for some clubs at £1 - these are highlighted. External providers set their own fees. If your child would like to attend, and you require financial assistance, please discuss this with us. We treat all such matters with confidence.
The half term dates are:
Mon 13th January - Friday 14th Feb. Then Mon 24th Feb - Fri 4th April
There are no Clubs running on Tues 18th, Weds 19th or Thurs 20th of March due to learning review meetings with parents and carers.
Bookings will open Tuesday 7th January after 12pm. Once a booking is made it may take 2/3 days for this to show in the Payments section on School Gateway as they need to be added to the system manually.
Balances must be settled before your child’s first session
Numbers in brackets are max number of attendees
All clubs finish at 4.15pm unless otherwise stated
Please find a copy of the letter sent to all families regarding clubs and bookings below: