Year 2
In History we have been researching about the history of Stevenage, the children were creating questions based on old photographs, artefacts and maps of our town.
This week we have started our research for our wild animals, the children created their own questions and used information books and the ipads to search for the answers.
The children are enjoying learning new yoga poses each week. This week we did farm animal poses.
This week we have been learning about analysing data through pictograms. There is a free resource where the children can test out making their own pictogram if they wish to, on the following website:j2data
The children will have to be supervised on the website.
Happy new year! It has been wonderful seeing our wonderful year 2 class again and they have settled back into class very well. This week in computing we have started off in our new topic 'Data and Information', the children worked in teams to create a tally chart from pictures and then analyse data by answering questions given about a new tally chart.
3D Shapes- The children were set a challenge to decorate their trees with only 3d shapes then listing the properties they knew about each one. They were able to record and tell us all about faces, vertices and edges as well as which shapes has an apex.
Christmas Journey- Today we had the pleasure of visiting the church this morning and taking part in various activities linked with the Christmas story, the children created their very own booklets and crowns which I am sure they will enjoy sharing with you all.
Geometry- We have been exploring 2d and 3d shapes in our mathematics this week. Discussing the properties of each shape and trying to create our very own 3d shapes out of polydron.
Design technology- This half term we are becoming mechanics- exploring levers and pop up books. The children loved looking through a varied range of books and today will be creating their own slides and levers.
As we are now coming to the end of our first half term of year 2, I would just like to say how proud we are of all the children in year two. They have shown great focus and enthusiasm in all aspects of their learning. It has been wonderful getting to know them and we can't wait to continue our journey in year 2 with them.
This week the children have enjoyed creating their very own prayer mat in WRE which I'm sure the children enjoyed showing you all when they came home.
In PE this half term we have been practicing our fundamental skills such as jumping. The children showed their progress through using skipping ropes safely and demonstrating good focus.
This week we have been learning all about the artist Alma Thomas for black history month. The children incorporated this learning into their art work where they printed with bright colours and bubble wrap to mimic her art work.
We have had another wonderful week of learning, the children have been exploring the book 'Where the wild things are'- creating their very own wild place, sharing story line ideas and what characters will live there. In maths we have been counting in 2's, 5's and 10's along with counting in 3's today. The children have used numicon to support this learning. We have done some observational drawings of our seeds/ plants- some children were even able to use rulers to measure their plants as they have got so tall even in just one week. We can't wait to see how they progress!
Today is WRE (Worldview and Religious Education) day in our school. We had a very exciting assembly making us think about how everyone sees the world differently and why rules are important. In year two we spoke about the 10 commandments and how they might be seen in our lives today, the children then thought of their own rules to live by and why.
It has also been brought to my attention that the email on the letter is wrong, the class email address is Apologies for this error.
Mrs Hay
Meet the Teacher
It was lovely to meet so many of you at the 'Meet the Teacher' afternoon. The slides and the curriculum newsletter from this session can be found below.
In science this week, we have been learning about plants, their structure, and what they need to survive. In Year Two, we have our very own plant to care for, which the children have enjoyed watering and ensuring it stays healthy. They also had fun exploring the garden with magnifying glasses to observe the different plants growing in our school grounds.
Welcome to Year 2!
Mrs Hay and Mrs Bond are looking forward to welcoming you all to Year 2. We have a busy year of learning planned.