
Shephalbury ParkPrimary School

Imagine, Believe, Achieve

Contact Details

Late/Absence - what do I do

8:45am school starts

3:15pm school finishes


Absence from School

Please telephone (01438 235454) or email ( in to inform the school why your child will not be in school, before 9.30am




Holidays during term time are unauthorised. See information below. 

The school currently has a policy where a fixed penalty notice is applied for if a child has more than 10 sessions (5 days) unauthorised absence within a ten week rolling period.


In line with government expectations, the optimum attendance

goal for every child at Shephalbury is 97% to 100%.



At Shephalbury Park we want our children to have the best opportunities possible. This means making the most of every moment. We start by ensuring that our lovely school environment is a thriving welcoming place. Our rich curriculum and extra activities make Shephalbury Park too good to miss.

Our friendly staff are there to support families, and to help with any difficulties and challenges. No question is too silly, and no issue is too small.

We know that attendance, even in the youngest year groups, has an impact on how well children perform in exams later on. It also causes issues with self esteem, fitting in and friendships. This matters. Being late also has a negative impact and can be disruptive to other children.


What if I need to take my child out of school?

Schools are given strict criteria regarding ‘exceptional circumstances’. Please look at the list below to check, before requesting authorised leave.

Schools are not permitted to authorise family holidays during term time. Holidays should be taken during the 13 weeks that children do not attend school.
The law states that children may only be granted leave of absence for family holidays in certain very exceptional circumstances. This can only be for a total of up to two weeks in any one academic year. However, the reasons for holiday absence must be exceptional. Therefore it is very rarely authorised. We are instructed not to accept a cheaper holiday as an exceptional reason.

If the ‘exceptional’ criteria is met, your next step is to apply using the request form before you take your holiday. Hand it in at least two weeks before the first date of intended absence. You will be notified if the leave has been authorised.  


What happens if my child is poorly?

Please call the school before 9:30am to advise the reason for your child’s absence. If your child is absent for more than one day, you will need to notify the school on each day of absence. The NHS has guidance to help families decide if they should keep their child off school.

The NHS message is quite clear:

“It is ok to allow a child or young person to go to school with some common or minor illnesses. Common colds, minor coughs, sore throats or headaches alone to not mean children are too unwell to attend school.”

At Shephalbury Park, only absences that are unavoidable will be authorised, in line with NHS and the Department for Education expectations. The NHS guidance is available on: “Is my child too ill for school?”

Please note that children are not to return to school until there is a

clear 48 hours since the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea.

Should a child be taken ill or have an accident at school we will contact you.  Please make sure we have your current telephone numbers for emergencies.  In the event of a minor fall or accident, first aid will be carried out in school. We are trained in first aid.

Early warning of infectious diseases is also especially helpful. We use guidance from the Public Health Agency regarding infection control (how long children need to be off school).

If you do need us to give medicines to your child during the school day, you will need to complete a School Medicine Record.

Exceptional Circumstances



The information below is designed to help parents understand how and when leave of absence in exceptional circumstances may be granted.


The decision to authorise absence is at the head teacher's discretion, based on their assessment of the situation. Head teachers must consider a fixed penalty notice if familes allowed the absence or if was avoidable. Holidays are a clear example of this.

Circumstances vary from school to school, and so there can be no absolute rules. The criteria are guided by the Department for Education, and are authorised by school leaders in strict accordance with the guidance. 


Term times are for education. This is the priority. Children and families have 175 days off school to spend time together, including weekends and school holidays. Head teachers are rightly expected to prioritise attendance.  Generally, absences will not be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you believe you have been wrongly issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN), please contact the school within 10 working days. The Local Authority cannot override the decision. There is no statutory right of appeal against the issuing of a FPN.




What are exceptional circumstances?

Exceptional circumstances are one off events which are unavoidable, examples may include the death of a close relative, attendance at a funeral, respite care of a looked after child, a housing crisis which prevents attendance. 


I explained my exceptional circumstances to the school yet I was still issued with a FPN fine. Can this be reviewed by the council?

No. If a FPN is referred by the school then a fine will be issued based on the information received. 


My child's attendance record is generally good, so can I still be issued a fine for a short time of unauthorised holiday?

The school publishes a policy on attendance. The current threshold for FPNs to be issues is 14 sessions (7days) unauthorised absence. 


Which parent receives the fine?

Where both parents live together and have day-to-day care and also any absent parent who has frequent contact with the child and is named in the child’s school records may receive a fine for each of their children. This will include parents who allow their child to go on holiday with another family member or friend of the family.


Who is fined when parents do not live together?

The situation can become complicated where parents do not live together and both wish to remove their child from school at separate times during the same academic year. Where parents are separated, if an absence request is submitted by the parent not involved with the absence, then both parents may be fined.


What happens if I am a self-employed worker, e.g. a farmer, or I am an employee with fixed holiday dates, or on a rota set by my employer?

It is advisable for parents to discuss this with their child’s school prior to making any arrangements for absence during school term times. Legislation no longer allows Head teachers to authorise 10 days absence from school for a term time holiday. If you are selfemployed then you are able to select when you take your annual leave.


We want to go on a trip of a lifetime. Could this be an authorised absence?

No, this would constitute a family holiday. The Head teachers cannot authorise term time holidays, unless  the reason for leave of absence is exceptional and unavoidable.


I have a significant number of relatives abroad and may need to spend an extended period in another country. Could this be an authorised absence?

Head teachers are bound by law to discourage families from taking trips during term time, whatever the reason given.


Can I have a payment plan or make part payments?

No, The Code of Conduct does not allow part payments or payment plans.


The Primary school authorised the absence but I received a PN fine for my secondary school aged child. Is there no consistency?

The Government has given the authority to individual head teachers to make their own decision based on the explanation provided by the parents. What is exceptional has not been defined by the government and therefore interpretation of the guidance may differ between head teachers. However, the county council does encourage schools to work together but at the same time take into account circumstances of the individual child’s needs. It is advisable that parents indicate that they are making more than one request to support consistency between schools. 


Could an absence to attend a religious observance or festival be an authorised absence?

Absence that is due to religious observance must be authorised. The day should be marked as authorised where there is an element of worship associated with the religious observance. The religious observance day are set apart by the religious body of the individual religion, not determined by the parents.
























