
Shephalbury ParkPrimary School

Imagine, Believe, Achieve

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Our school vision is of a nurturing environment and a curriculum that develops character, teaches lifelong learning skills, fosters creativity and provides opportunities for exploration so that all pupils can thrive. 


We know that good behaviour is essential for effective learning to take place.  Pupils and staff have the right to work in an environment which is safe, friendly, inclusive and fair. 




We have a positive approach to managing behaviour, grounded in respect and understanding.  All our staff have an understanding of therapeutic approaches, which they are trained in. 


Our behaviour policy focuses on reinforcing pro-social behaviour, where positive, helpful and kind behaviour is acknowledged and praised. Our clear expectations provide our children with the framework to develop positive behaviours for learning, enabling them to be independent, successful learners.


Our behaviour strategy is aimed at improving educational outcomes for all pupils by promoting and supporting their engagement with education. We ensure that pupils, staff, parents and governors understand their responsibility in promoting the school’s approach to behaviour, where pupil’s pro-social experiences and feelings are prioritised.



We value:

• the importance of the individual

• the contribution that individuals make to the community

• the mutual respect, understanding and tolerance between all members of the school community

• working together as a team

• promoting a sense of fair play, equality and justice

• our pastoral care systems between staff and children and between older children and younger children

• promoting good citizenship


At Shephalbury, exceptionally harmonious relationships exist across the school community as a result of a culture of respect, understanding and reconciliation which underpins approaches to behaviour.


Staff have high expectations for all pupils. Because of the school’s emphasis on relationships our pupils’ behaviour is excellent. As 'Shephalbury L.E.A.R.N.E.R.S' our pupils take responsibility for their behaviour. They gain strong values, treating everyone equally and with great respect.’














